Tips for Buying the Ideal Property When it’s Time to Get Out of Dodge

bug out cabin

As the possibility of a longer-term, more severe survival situation has increased over the last 15 years, so has the number of people who are looking to relocate from urban and suburban areas.

In addition, many have incorporated the concept of a “bug-out” location that will provide an escape if a truly severe survival incident mars everyday life.

Those looking for a more permanent location generally desire a more secluded place away from the business and chaos of suburban and urban centers.

Those looking for a remote bug-out location, generally want a place to temporarily escape if the survival scenario gets hot, heavy or dangerous.

Either approach though, comes with certain common criteria that anyone considering such a move must consider, especially as it pertains to where they choose to bug-out or relocate.

To see some of the aspects of picking a location that meets your needs, check out the list on the next page.

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  1. Philipp Merker said:

    It gives you a sense of entitlement to the land you plan on occupying. Also, we assume that when planned ahead, you would have it stocked like a second household including clothing so you can travel light if need be.

  2. Philipp Merker said:

    I’m not exactly planning on a retreat location at this time, however I’m looking for something that’s at the edge of a maximum time/distance for a daily commute for work. This could be anywhere from 1-2 hours travel in either direction. I think that’s a good compromise. A possible retreat can then be planned to be another 3-6 hours of travel away from home.

  3. Richard S Beck Jr. said:

    no i was saying like if shtf today. why would you bother. i can see if we have another year or two.

  4. Clint Trammel said:

    My retreat will be exactly where I am until forced to leave. Think about it. If you bug out others will be too. Unless you have solar for cooking, heat, etc. almost anything you do will tell others where you are. Cooking? Smells of food. Hunting? Noise. Wood heat? Smoke. Some places would be a poor place to stay put but many would not be bad. Prepare where you are now and leave only when forced.

  5. Jeff Gibson said:

    Buy now. Only time to buy if you’re serious. When IT hits the fan, your chances of buying will be slim


