(Video) He Used Two Logs and a Rope. Just How Powerful This Trick Is? Unbelievable!

logs and rope flip flop winch

So, your vehicle is stuck in the mud. You probably should have been more careful, but what good does regret do at this point?! And the only supplies you have are two logs and a bit of rope. You must be out of luck.

Wrong. You may have heard of the Flip Flop Winch, which is a remarkably innovative device that can assist with removing large items that are stuck in your path.

Not to mention it can be used to get stuck vehicles out of the mud. Mors Kochanski, who is considered the “God Father of Bushcraft”, helped popularize this amazing design.

There is also evidence of this device being used by the British Army in World War II to get vehicles out of the trenches!

You’ve got to learn how to make this. Take a look at some photos followed by a video after the break!

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  1. Kai Worthen said:

    Behold he has invented the power of leverage! I wonder how the pyramids or the colosseum got built? Probably levitation for sure…

  2. Thomas Nelson said:

    Looks very dangerous what happens when the rope snaps and/or it gets away from you? At least use synthetic winch cable so you don’t get as much elastic recoil and less likely to break.

  3. Neil Moore said:

    And hang a towel or shirt over each end to at least keep the rope from being a whip when it breaks. Not like if one end breaks the sticks go flying either. Like that would hurt anyone. Lol

  4. Trevor Bean said:

    Donnie Bean that’s pretty wild, if I tried it would probably bust and I would be in the hospital

  5. Richard Bailey said:

    Watched my Uncle do this long ago with 2 fence posts. Had forgotten all about it

  6. Bill Sparks said:

    Rick Berry wow really maybe that’s why you are old and lonely.kill with kindness not fools breath.

  7. Roland Rangel said:

    I hate these posts which make you go through several pages to see what you want to see. Forget this one.

  8. Keith Frosch said:

    To much talking and not enough doing, couldn’t watch it to the end if there was one

  9. Paul Samuel Greth said:

    I kinda agree. Get to the point with how to videos otherwise and person losses interest and doesn’t pay full attention to how it’s done.

  10. Michael Hamilton said:

    That’s ingenious. Shawn Hamilton, we could have used this years ago when I got the jeep stuck near that forest fire, up off Blanchard hump.

  11. Keith Jackson said:

    That video was way too long and slow for the content. He should edit it down to show the essentials.

  12. Rodney Beck said:

    You could call for a towtruck and be saved before you finish this video. Must have been payed by the word.

  13. Kyle Speer said:

    “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world

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