The Best States to Head to When All Hell Breaks Loose


Just about every survivalist has a “bug-out” plan, a strategy for what to do when a survival crisis hits and it becomes necessary to move to a safer locale (or even to “bug-in”).

Less considered is where to go beyond “the camp” or some other predesignated safe space.

Is your bug-out location optimal for long-term survival? What obstacles and threats exist that would affect your quality of life? Where is the optimal place to go?

Those types of questions typically do not get asked, particularly if you already have a bug-out location in mind or in hand.

But knowing where to go in a survival situation or its aftermath is as important as knowing how to get there.

To find out one writer's opinion on where the optimal places to head in a survival situation are, check out the next page.

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  1. Jerry Landry said:

    No reason to leave unless you live in one of the few democrat controlled city’s where the police are ordered to leave the rioters alone.

    They’re not dumb enough to leave police protection, really!

  2. Sean Mcdermott said:

    Midwest is your best bet.clean water and wild game will be your groceries.

  3. Geralyn Reed said:

    i’m headed to the UP no body will find me in those woods up there.

  4. Shawn Counts said:

    West Virginia would be a terrible place to go if the SHTF, don’t go there, you will not survive!!! Lmao!

  5. Scott Finley said:

    I’m not sure how California made the list, it’s one major quake away from making Arizona oceanfront property

  6. Paul Robert Powell said:

    Stay home. You could never carry enough water , ammo or food. Our country was founded on small government and small communities banding together in mutual aid and forming local militias. Bugging out is a fairytale.

  7. Charles Howard said:

    The funny thing about this picture is what if all hell breaks loose somewhere on the east coast ? Lol

  8. Marlen Jones said:

    If we’re talking zombie apocalypse, I’m going to Alaska. Sumbitches can’t get ya if they’re frozen.

  9. James Wewerka said:

    Missouri isn’t a good place…don’t come here or we will eat you..and breed your women…stay out…)

  10. Stephen Kitchens said:

    Well if you ain’t in your safe place when it hits the fan,good luck getting

  11. Tyler Duff said:

    Well thats all fine and dandy for those in the U.S….It doesnt help a Canadian though…where can i find this kind of information for Canada?

  12. Taryn Mason Brown said:

    Why aren’t there any locations in the Midwestern states? UT, ID, WY? I grew up in the shadow of the Rockies, and I couldn’t think of a better place

  13. Michael Corey said:

    Bugging out isn’t hard. You can bug out on foot just fine. Pack light.

  14. James Pallasch said:

    No one knows the lay of the land where you are more than you do! Stay put, stay alive and keep your head out of your$#%&!@*and I will guarantee you will stand a better than average chance of seeing the next dawn! I am not saying abandon your home if you in fact know a much safer place but I urge you to think, rethink and then, and only then, take action! PLAN YOUR WORK AND THEN WORK YOUR PLAN! A little ‘flexibility” certainly will not hurt but caution should be the byword of the day! I was doing some framing in my house when a friend advised me, ALWAYS THINK ”sheetrock” when framing because you must cover all of your work! No matter what road you choose to go, think ahead because you must survive to WORK YOUR PLAN!

  15. Cj Powell said:

    Well that’s just stupid, I think I’ll stick with the country and my guns. Why go to a very populated place to be safe? Think about it


