The Best States to Head to When All Hell Breaks Loose



Active Farmer's Market

An active, growing farmer’s market. I have found directories of Farmer’s Markets posted on the web for Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming. The presence of farmer’s markets is a good indicator for towns with retreat potential. Furthermore, in a post-collapse America, itr will likely be the farmer’s markets that will be the genesis of a revived economy.

Not near any nuclear power plants.

My personal preference is to select a retreat in a mixed farming/ranching/timber region in low-humidity area of one of the American Redoubt states. I generally discourage folks from living in coastal regions for health reasons, risk of tidal waves or hurricanes, oil tanker mishaps, visits by foreign terrorists, and the outside chance of dramatically rising or falling sea levels in the event of a climate shift. I also discourage relocating to anywhere within 150 miles of the Mexican border. ( The crime rate is higher near the border)

Also consider the relative grid power independence and stability various regions.

The Pacific northwest is perhaps the best, because it is a producer of abundant hydroelectric power.

Look West of the Missouri River

As evidenced by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, population density is perhaps the most crucial factor to consider when selecting a safe haven. The big cities on the Gulf Coast became hell holes, whereas the small towns got by fairly well. I know that this will cause acrimony with a lot of my readers who live east of the Missouri River, but the plain truth is the East has too much population! The northeast is also downwind of some major nuclear targets. Unless you are among the uber-rich and can afford to buy an elaborate fully hardened bunker with HEPA filtration deep in the Smoky or Appalachian Mountains with a five year food supply, then I firmly believe that you will be safer west of the Missouri River.

To find out which states are recommended to live in post-collapse, check out the next page. After finding out which states come highly recommended, it all makes perfect sense! 

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  1. Paul L. Papke said:

    I don’t know who decided these were the best places, but, they must be city slickers that don’t know nothing of survival!

  2. Taylor H Denman said:

    Colorado all day, unlimited untapped resources all year round in the mountains

  3. Joe Neel said:

    Yea go to Los Angles California that will be real safe. Hahahahahaha.

  4. Paul L. Papke said:

    I agree with staying in your own state, it’s familiar to you! Just do the best you can to get out of congested areas, try to have a plan to get to the country back roads!

  5. Mike Nazarek said:

    dont worry, we have enough militia and CPL carriers to take care of the pieces of$#%&!@*that want to start anything..

  6. Hank Hankins said:

    “OR” you can stop electing these commie liberals to public office


