The Best States to Head to When All Hell Breaks Loose



Places and Factors to Consider:

Plentiful water–preferably spring fed or an artesian well.

Good exposure for gardening and photovoltaics.

Not on a flood plain and in aregion with minimal natural disaster risks. (See this map: Where to Live to Avoid a Natural Disaster.)

Southern exposure–particularly important at higher elevations

“Panoramic views.” This usually means a hilltop location with open fields of fire and defendable terrain. The concept of holding high ground goes back to pre-history. Yes, I know, that this is mutually exclusive with the concept of having a house that is not in line of sight of any major road. TANSTAAFL. Decide on one or the other. But don’t buy a place that has neither attribute.

A diverse and healthy local economy.

Minimal noxious weeds. (Russian Thistle, Teasel, Russian Knapweed, Yellow Star Thistle, etc.)

Not in the path of real estate developers. Look at where suburban developments have been established in the county. Suburban tracts tend to follow a “line of march” in certain directions—especially where there is level terrain. Note that in most regions row crop farmland and orchard land is at the greatest risk because it is easy to subdivide. Put on your thinking cap and do some extrapolation. If your intended area is in the path of the sprawl within 10 to 15 years then start looking in a different direction in less advantageous terrain, or a little further out of town.

If it has an existing house, a house with fireproof/ballistically-protected (e.g. masonry) construction.

Low housing costs.

Knowing how to bug-out, should it become necessary is very important, but have you given any thought to where you will be heading?

Understanding your needs and where to head is as important as having the tools necessary to get there; here are a few more things to consider after the break, even if you do not agree with the “west is best” strategy.

Then, find out which states are the best to head to when all hell breaks loose!

Next Page »


  1. Paul L. Papke said:

    I don’t know who decided these were the best places, but, they must be city slickers that don’t know nothing of survival!

  2. Taylor H Denman said:

    Colorado all day, unlimited untapped resources all year round in the mountains

  3. Joe Neel said:

    Yea go to Los Angles California that will be real safe. Hahahahahaha.

  4. Paul L. Papke said:

    I agree with staying in your own state, it’s familiar to you! Just do the best you can to get out of congested areas, try to have a plan to get to the country back roads!

  5. Mike Nazarek said:

    dont worry, we have enough militia and CPL carriers to take care of the pieces of$#%&!@*that want to start anything..

  6. Hank Hankins said:

    “OR” you can stop electing these commie liberals to public office


