Seeking Emergency Medical Care
A brown recluse spider bite could easily be considered an emergency condition, so a hospital visit may be essential to ensure that the victim is stabilized. Be forewarned that there is very little that orthodox medicine can do to stop the regional damage that is caused by a bite. Doctors typically give antibiotics and anti-histamines in the hope that regionalized damage can be somewhat minimized. These are truly desperate measures that yield very little success. Therefore, we recommend that you follow our alternative treatment recommendations.
It's true; brown recluse bites are known for being very painful, causing illness, and in some cases literally melting away your skin. Although dying is very rare, those who get bit by a recluse spider probably wish they were dead.
Since a doctor will be hard to come by during a collapse, we recommend a self-treatment method like what is demonstrated after the break. Learn the first stage to treating a brown recluse bite before it's too late.
I have a scar from my bite and I knew what bit me and was treated the next day with a doctor. It is something that will kill a lot of people after a grid down situation. Painful.
Plantain will work that quickly on a brown recluse bite? I know that plantain is amazing but this seems to be too big of a problem. Just curious.
No it’s not that big of a problem!
The article – an add trap – says apply activated charcoal/water paste for hours, take massive amounts of echinacea supplements until the bite wound completely disappears and using bentonite clay poultice. It mentioned the hospital may also use antihistamines so Benadryl may also be helpful.
For whatever reason, fiddlebacks/brown recluses evidently consider me enemy number one; I’ve been bitten over 20 times. My standard treatment at this point is to sterilize a blade and make an X incision across the affected area, extending about a half an inch out from the primary swelling and then I squeeze it out and pour in iodine from the farmer’s coop. Then I sterilize a needle and poke the reddened tissue as far as it goes and apply the iodine here as well. I have also used laquer thinner when I didn’t have iodine handy. This may not be the method that most would recommend, but it works every time for me. The first time I got bit, I had two bites (one on each calf) and I was about 10 and had heard horror stories about people losing their limbs, so I didn’t tell anyone and one of the bites turned into a spongy grey rotten area about the size of a boiled egg, with my entire lower leg swollen and red and green “veins” radiating from it. I scooped out the rotten area in the kitchen and did the procedure listed above and repeated with the needle for two days and it healed up quickly.
Wear shoes, watch what you pick up and avoid a lot of clutter. Also shake out cloths from dark closets.
Try a black widow bite out 10 times more toxic then a rattlesnake just lower dose of venom . was bit three times at once. 30 days in the hospital. I waited a few days before i went. Pissing blood and a open wound they cut out the damaged tissue and let it heal with no stiches
I don’t believe any number of black widow bites would cause the symptoms you describe. Your story is unbelievable.
I got bit by one of these bastards, my leg shot out bloody pea soup pus for days
Plantain poltice will pull out the poison as well.
i actually used activated charcoal paste with great success and no scar at all,
My grandmother used thinner well mostly turpentine to even treat snake bites
What about s poultice of chaw backer and gunpowder er? If it don’t work it shire sound fun!
Electrical shock into the bite area has proven helpful in countering the ill effects from venomous snake bites. Can be done in emergency situation in the field using car/truck/ATV battery source.
No. . . . Read this:
Put chewing tobacco in it on it and cover tightly! It will de as the poison out and yea its burns but its better than the black flesh eating part.
don’tont work, get checked for MRSA. It resembles a brown recluse bite when trying to exit the body.
You did this at the age of 10?
Omg. I just visualized everything you described. You’re spider-woman now 🙂
Twice! F**kers got me twice!
I am done with bait click sites like this. I’m not making y’all rich clicking page after page for content that could be put on one page. Lost a fan here.
Todd Batts, something to remember to keep handy.
Karic Glover
All you have to do is put / keep honey on it (covered with bandaid ) for 2-3 days !!! Any bite you don’t know what it is……
It says use the charcoal/water paste for 4 hours, then it’s not useful anymore. Then go to other treatment
Go to hospital immediatley
Just fyi, you can get bentonite clay on
I got bit by one when I was 19. Drs couldn’t do anything for me other then antibiotics. (Btw) i was a C.N.A at Baptist hospital.My mother whom had breast cancer at the time told make a wrap w musgogee tea and I was healed the next day. After weeks of suffering! Fudge the F.D.A!!!
And in one night if sleeping w a wrap on my ankle. after weeks. I was healed. Amazing
I got bit by one when I was 19. Drs couldn’t do anything for me other then antibiotics. (Btw) i was a C.N.A at Baptist hospital.My mother whom had breast cancer at the time told make a wrap w mesgogee tea and I was healed the next day. After weak of suffering! Fudge the F.D.A!!!
I have been bit twice and the second time I used helichrysum essential oil. I applied every time I thought about it, which was often because it was so painful. After a week, it was better and I have no scarring. I keep this oil with me at ALL times.
Iv been bit and its no fun, i had a quarter size hole in my shoulder for weeks
Good info, Thanks!
bitten not bit.
When mixing the clay do not let it contact metal. Use only wood or plastic and adding coconut oil with clay makes a good paste.
Good thing they rarely bite and are super shy.
Jenna Sietinga since we were talking about it in the last few days
At my first duty station, in the Army, I met a guy on crutches. He stated he had gotten bit by one of these. It steadily destroyed his knee. He claimed the Army misdiagnosed the injury. I never knew what became of him.
I have bitten twice. Good old “IODEX” black drwaing salve is a onderful thing for the infection and to stop the deterioration of the flesh.
Melaleuca essential oil a gal named Linda Hensley has a website..she has been bitten a few times and used the Melaleuca and it healed it!! Her website is: Maybe look it ver..boy she had a good healing from it!!
Use bentonite clay. Native American treatment for snake bites and spiders.