You Just Got Bit by a Brown Recluse Spider. Here’s How to Effectively Treat it When SHTF.

brown recluse spider

Spiders are one of the greatest fears throughout the world. This may be due to how they walk, the precision with which they build their webs or their many eyes. When you ask most people, though, they are afraid of spiders because of their bites.

In reality, very few spiders throughout the world are in any way dangerous to humans. Although almost all spiders can bite, nearly all of them are about as painful as a mosquito bite.

However, there are a few that will give even the most unsqueamish person pause. The brown recluse is one of them. When bitten by a brown recluse, most people will make an immediate trip to the hospital. Unfortunately, if you're in a bugout situation that may not be an option.

What should you do if you need to treat a brown recluse bite? Take a look at the advice on the next page to find out.

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  1. Edge Sage said:

    Bit in the$#%&!@*by one in 2012 – Cipro and Doxycycline

  2. Edwin Hash said:

    Almost any kind of good clay will do the same as bentonite

  3. Ricky Hatcher said:

    Ran into a friend Monday who was bite by one last week on the upper arm. Had a ugly place the size of a baseball and it was getting bigger every day he said.

  4. Bryan Reed said:

    Kevin I have personally shocked several bites for different people it works as long as u have good batteries in your shocker medical field doesn’t recognize it cause they can’t make money off of it

  5. Kevin Bates said:

    The local fire department used to have a turned down taser they used but quit because of liability reasons.

  6. Bryan Reed said:

    Some of us still do it here at ada fire we do ask them to go ahead and go to the doctor to make sure it’s not staph infection because they look alot alike

  7. Craig Bulloch said:

    If you are bit by a brown recluse spider and you go to I.facebook to find a cure you’ll die waiting on the page to load.

  8. Wade Ponce Artrain said:

    Oh man. How could I forget that. I just remembered who my youngest kids mother is. It was during hurricane Ivan I got bit twice crawling under the trailer repairing the a.c. That bad$#%&!@*b***h was only 18 and pregnant and used a razor to cut a hole out of my back and calf muscle another time I got bit on the leg too close to my balls to have a knife so I got drunk and used a pneumatic orbital sander to sand out a knotch of flesh. I hate Brown recluse spider things.

  9. Randy Mullenax said:

    Its funny reading or hearing the I was bitten by a brown recluse story. This is by far th most misdiagnosed bite on earth. Think relying on your doctor to tell you it is? You might want to remember that the all knowing doctor has diagnosed this bite in states like Alaska here the spider doesnt even live. Keep in mind there are tons of spiders that it’s bite can cause a small degree of necrosis around the wound. Just because you have a small area of necrosis, doesn’t make it a recluse bite at all.

  10. Chris Miller said:

    I know all too well about the brown recluse spider I got into a nest of them in Iowa got that 5 times I got a hole in my thigh I got a hole in my$#%&!@*I got a hole in my lower leg had to take antibiotic shots for 3 weeks it sucks they are a very aggressive spider they will come after you jump on you it’s crazy

  11. Susan Gaspari said:

    Good to know, I’ve seen what can happen to a hand that wasn’t treated in time… Disgusting ! Flesh just melted away. I deal with a lot of firewood, and I always worry one might get me…..

  12. Susan Gaspari said:

    Like your story, I have piles of wood for my wood stove and always look carefully before picking some up. I’ve seen the pictures of flesh eaten away… Scary stuff , can’t believe you actually caught him!!

  13. Hermann Kyrychenko said:

    As a matter of fact vinegar works well for wasp and bee bites as well, takes pain away and reduces swelling

  14. Wade Ponce Artrain said:

    And then when ya sand thru the rotten dead narcrotic tissue and blood capillaries start bleeding ya hit it with the hydrogen peroxide and yell loud and pass out. Then the not so badass chick wraps it with gauze and neosporin by when ya wake up and says$#%&!@*this southern$#%&!@*and takes off for Arkansas. That’s the way of the world That’s the way of the brown recluse sting son.

  15. John Lee Burnley said:

    Stonecrop salve will heal any wound, you can get it from a Wiccan or a witch doctor.

  16. Denver Foster said:

    Brian Moore I would say you got lucky, not a vary big spider or he didn’t inject a lot of poison. My grandfather had a nasty scar from a bite, about the circumference of baseball.

  17. Jessica Cervantes said:

    Activated charcoal or just charcoal from your fire(cooled of course) make a paste of the charcoal, increase the surface area of the wound, then pack it full of the paste and bandage.

    To treat secondary infections, have a colloidal silver generator, and use the silver water to make the paste. Or pack with wild onions or garlic.

  18. Jessica Cervantes said:

    Activated charcoal or just charcoal from your fire(cooled of course) make a paste of the charcoal, increase the surface area of the wound, then pack it full of the paste and bandage.

    To treat secondary infections, have a colloidal silver generator, and use the silver water to make the paste. Or pack with wild onions or garlic.

  19. Jonathan Stanley said:

    Rush to the hospital??? Been bit twice!! Wife was bitten by one. It is not good and the venom will eat flesh at the bite but, really?

  20. Jonathan Stanley said:

    People have different reactions. These spiders are small. Usually in dark damp places but, will crawl in bed with you. Why the little bastards bite our big asses I will never know. We probably do it by feeling them and swatting at them in our sleep! Crazy really.

    All I can say is living in the southeast comes with!! Gators, cotton mouths, copperheads, timber rattlers, diamond backs, pigme rattlers, coral snakes, black widows, brown recluses, and centipedes that bite! Why do we live here??? Hahaha


  21. Rod Rowzee said:

    charcoal made into a paste or cold like ice to slow down blood flow in arrea

  22. Rod Rowzee said:

    in nam we had some nasty spider we aplide a tourniquet and made a charcoal paste would take are life and slice were bite was put on charcoal then loosen tourniquet to let blood wash wound

  23. Jonathan Stanley said:

    Loyd Nowling never heard of a brown widow. I have been told we have scorpions but, never seen one!! I hate bugs period!

  24. Charlie Ford said:

    Cut it deep and use fire to destroy the venom…
    We used gunpowder in the marines


