You Just Got Bit by a Brown Recluse Spider. Here’s How to Effectively Treat it When SHTF.

brown recluse spider

Spiders are one of the greatest fears throughout the world. This may be due to how they walk, the precision with which they build their webs or their many eyes. When you ask most people, though, they are afraid of spiders because of their bites.

In reality, very few spiders throughout the world are in any way dangerous to humans. Although almost all spiders can bite, nearly all of them are about as painful as a mosquito bite.

However, there are a few that will give even the most unsqueamish person pause. The brown recluse is one of them. When bitten by a brown recluse, most people will make an immediate trip to the hospital. Unfortunately, if you're in a bugout situation that may not be an option.

What should you do if you need to treat a brown recluse bite? Take a look at the advice on the next page to find out.

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  1. Kainen Burgess said:

    And they said in a shtf if you don’t have a bag already packed even if you do plan on staying in then you’re an idiot EVERYONE should have a bag! Every family member!

  2. Dane Bush said:

    Did you know only about half of recluse bites actually affect us

  3. Anthony DeGregorio said:

    You can also make a paste out of basil. Cover bite with it. Wrap in gauze. Also,make Basil tea and drink 3-4 times a day.

  4. Christopher Gilpin said:

    Ummm…..first of all brown recluse spider bites are usually never noticed till the gangrene sets in from infection…..the spider bite has a numbing chemical in its saliva…u dont know your being bit.

    Secondly….never trust home remedy for a medical emergency. …go to a dr…the longer the bite is left untreated the more necrosis will set in ….in other words it will rot until treated properly…..with your average spider bite…take some alive..put some rubbing alcohol on it and u good. …in brown recluse bites…….proffesional treatment only!

  5. Christopher Gilpin said:

    The core pulls out of a brown recluse bite… get a actual hole in your skin after the core of bite rots and comes out…..its not a recluse bite…hes 100 % correct……looks more like poision ivy or poison sumac to me.

  6. Christopher Gilpin said:

    Without proper sterilized tools and area….your asking for staff infection cutting out skin.

  7. Jeff Gothro said:

    After a two years? That photo was taken the other day, its been red in color of that area for two years.

  8. Allen Lang said:

    well you can make a paste with meat tenderizer the white one works best or table salt in a paste put it one the bite or even bee sting and it will draw the poison out you can see the salt turn yellow and you can keep repeating it till it no longer turns yellow

  9. Dustin McCullar said:

    Its a brown recluse bite, staff sets up if u dont get it out, comes with the bite;)

  10. Dustin McCullar said:

    Get it out fast enough, and there aint$#%&!@*to it…but…it aint for everyone.

  11. Christopher Gilpin said:

    Jeff Gothro…dude I live in the south…we are taught about these things as a young kid here….even after 2 years there would still be a hole visible. …..deforming scar

  12. Douglas Brown said:

    I’ve been bitten three times by brown recs. Never felt any of them until two to four days later. Doc said I did the right thing by opening the bite wound and scraping the mess out with a sharp blade, scrubbing the heck out of it and using otc antibiotics until I got to medical help.

  13. Tanya M Mertes said:

    I know someone who was bitten by one of these suckers recently. The only help the hospital had that she didnt, was antibiotics and reconstructive surgery. As it was on her face. These old methods work, and medical professionals use them in modern medicine. That being said, if a hospital was available, I would go.

  14. Ricky Shook said:

    You take a wire and attach it to the spark plug on your car and hold the other end on the bite have someone crank the car over a few times and the shock kills the infection

  15. Matt Drake said:

    I feel you brother not a brown recluse but I got bit twice by black widows 2 different times didn’t feel it till later high fever and both times required er visits and minor surgery nasty Lil fuckers

  16. Ken McConkey said:

    Loran Enninga still got a few ton of bentonite laying around? Save some for treating bites from this bad critter.

  17. Steve Vandiver said:

    I was bitten by a brown recluse. The target area had disappeared and my ankle looked really bad. Black and red , bruised and rotten looking. I put aloe Vera on it about 1 pm, again about 5 pm and at 8pm it looked like a port wine stain and healed up completely 2 days later.

  18. Kenyon Suits said:

    That’s what this scar is from. The whole inside of my upper arm turned red and black. Hurt like nothing else I have ever experienced. It took 4 months for it to heal. Nasty little bastards.

  19. Samuel Dickens said:

    Suck the poison out then heat up your knife and sear the wound shut by pressing it down upon It firmly. Trust me, I’m an expert.

  20. Marc Iwata said:

    Soaking the bite in Epsom Salt will also do the trick nicely.

  21. Varius Aelius said:

    It’s not the venom that’ll get you. It’s the bacteria carried on the mandible (which the spiders are imune to) causing MRSA. Basically, Steph and/or Flesh Eating Virus.


