You Just Got Bit by a Brown Recluse Spider. Here’s How to Effectively Treat it When SHTF.

brown recluse spider

Spiders are one of the greatest fears throughout the world. This may be due to how they walk, the precision with which they build their webs or their many eyes. When you ask most people, though, they are afraid of spiders because of their bites.

In reality, very few spiders throughout the world are in any way dangerous to humans. Although almost all spiders can bite, nearly all of them are about as painful as a mosquito bite.

However, there are a few that will give even the most unsqueamish person pause. The brown recluse is one of them. When bitten by a brown recluse, most people will make an immediate trip to the hospital. Unfortunately, if you're in a bugout situation that may not be an option.

What should you do if you need to treat a brown recluse bite? Take a look at the advice on the next page to find out.

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  1. Tom Reintjes said:

    Get some calcium bentonite clay, it has many more uses than just healing spider bites.

  2. Steven Parker said:

    Of all the time I’ve been camping and Bitten by a spider not once did I realize until awhile later

  3. Dustin McCullar said:

    I cut all of mine out except for one…and it sucked…i drained more$#%&!@*out of my forearm than could measure. but my neck, hip…wherever else…i just cut it open once the black started to show

  4. Joe Tigue said:

    Kevin Bates yup. With the abdominal spasms and vomiting

  5. Joe Tigue said:

    Exactly. I treat thousands of abscesses per year. Probably zero r caused by recluse. Most are staph caused by overuse of antibiotics over the past 25 years. Getting the Zpak and PCN for a viral infection

  6. Snowi Snows said:

    I kinda thought I’d just kill myself, good to know Baha Necro Gillis

  7. Jeff Gothro said:

    Okay, if it’s bullshit perhaps you can explain it? Please, enlighten us?

  8. Scott Bush said:

    When I was bitten I was asleep. It woke me up felt like a bee sting on inner thigh. That was about a year ago.

  9. Rob Bumpass said:

    Thats the dumbest thing i have read on fb all day. I guess you have never been to WV or know anyone from here. I lived here my whole life and yes we sure as crap do. We have them in the city and the country. They are even worse in the rural area where i was raised. They have 6 eyes with a fiddle on the head and you have to pull black strands of stuff out of the bite so wanna try again. Telling someone who gets bit by a certain species of spider every year that they don’t have them there is like telling someone in florida the don’t have gators. Smh

  10. Pagangw Wolfpack said:

    Left shoulder, right by the edge of the shoulder blade. Scar kinda looks like, I had a wing ripped off.
    The orginal bite after turning black, started out bigger than a fifty cent piece.

  11. Varius Aelius said:

    I got bit by one a little over a year ago. Looked like someone shoved a golf ball up under the skin of my forearm. Hurt like hell. Waited a couple of days to get help (don’t do tgat). Damn near had to amputate. Biggest, baddest antibiotic course later and was all good.

    Even caught the little fucker and have it to the drs to verify.

    Smartasses at work started calling me “Spider-Man.” At least they remembered the hyphen.

  12. Buddy Hays said:

    Or they are recommending to buy it before the bite happens.

  13. Greg Flater said:

    The ONLY 100% PROVEN way to treat a brown recluse bite is to locate a “Seven Bark”, also known as “Wild Hydrangea”, and scrape some of the bark shavings, then place the shavings directly over the bite area, covering it with a bandage.
    (This is not the same as the hydrangeas your grandmother has in her back yard.)
    Google the plant and learn how to identify it, in case you were to ever need it.

  14. David Razer said:

    I’ve been bitten. It caused a hole in my side the size of a half dollar and half an inch deep The poison rots the meat away. I have a lifetime scar from it

  15. Omar Andres said:

    Hence the name recluse. They love dark warm areas…also shoes and laundry baskets

  16. Jonathan Chalmers said:

    OK ” die hard survivor ” what do you do in the field? Keep stuff on hand in a prepper situation isn’t feasible. All thus stuff were supposed to store you need a big rig to haul everything. Show me what to do if I need to ” bug out” because that’s the thing here getting out and getting safe without all if the amenities. Thanks though.

  17. Ron Howard said:

    the very first thing you do is get the CORE out, this will desolve and start to eat the flesh around it and will continue untill amutation is required, i have been bit at least 12 times, i knew someone who was getting both legs amputated at the knees because of this very messed up spider.

  18. Buddy Coop said:

    Jayne Mitchell Coop, Haley Coop , Libby Murphy , BJ Mitchell, Natalie Allen-Sullivan, Anna Marshall Flood, Don Mitchell, Dale Mccollum, Brad Steward, Tug Shipp, Gary Moore, Catherine Gillum McCollum,

  19. Natalie Allen-Sullivan said:

    Sean had a friend who got bit by one of these way back in the day when he was camping was out in the sticks. His wound became necrotic quickly, and he didn’t have a way to get to the hospital quickly. So, he ended up taking his metal apoon and scooped the ooze out of the wound and then put the spoon in the fire and lancesld that sucker

  20. Bill Goerlitz said:

    I took a CD player apart. Applied a 9 volt battery to the cd lens then fuckin BAM instant laser!! I burned that sumbitch clear out of my penis and went about my day. Cherokee nation! Cherokee pride!!

  21. Christine Martin said:

    Cure a brown recluse bite easily with MMS (chlorine dioxide solution)…the flesh eating toxins literally fall off your body within 24 hours

  22. Bill Babbitt said:

    My dad was bitten on his forearm also…they ended up taking a huge chunk of his arm out.

  23. Stephen Wowianko said:

    ….I spray all my outdoors duds with Permetherine… ticks….no spiders…no skeeters….no nuthin…

  24. Leroy Nelson said:

    To be kept at the bug out location not everyone plans to roam around like in a Mad Max film

  25. Jonathan Chalmers said:

    So it takes money to survive? What dies thus medical plant look like I know there’s no expiration date in then and what about Rex clay what did the native Americans use if it wasn’t in a bottle, cmon be realistic

  26. Kainen Burgess said:

    If its a shtf situation then yea it will unless you plan on staying where you are then you should have a stockpile of supplies in not going to argue about it I know what I’m talking about!


