Why People Will Gladly Line Up to be Microchipped Like Dogs

chip in a human

Okay, so many people don't actually want to be microchipped like a dog. However, they will have parties to get it done, will line up for it, and will get very upset if they can't get it done. Not everyone will feel this way but as it becomes mainstream certain people won't be happy until everyone has a computer chip implanted in their brains. Yes, their brain.

Let's not venture into the religious aspect of a human being microchipped but instead discuss the secular ramifications. Check out how this could easily take place in our future:

At first, it will be the sheep who blindly decide it's okay to be chipped. Then it will become very inconvenient not to be chipped — since everyone else is doing it, why shouldn't I? Soon after it'll be impossible to avoid, like if you don't have a bank account it'll be hard to function without one. After that the few remaining people could be forced to be chipped by law.

Think we're making this stuff up? Unfortunately, we're not.

Head to the next page to find out where this is already happening (people getting microchipped) and if and when microchipping people could become standard practice. Then watch a video about these frightening findings as well!

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  1. Jim Neal said:

    I won’t microchip my dogs. I’ll be damn if they put one in me.

  2. Loring Page said:

    We the people will eliminate all who try. You can take that to the bank

  3. John Spear said:

    When I was a kid my Dad would always say the gov wants to chip everybody, I thought he was crazy. Now I see how people are with there cell phones, basically carrying their “chips” in there hands and pockets. They are slowly working us to the eventuality.

  4. Frank Zarro said:

    No way I say it all the time BEWARE of the Government they won’t be happy til they control everyone………….

  5. Sean Howden said:

    A few tech pages bring up the topic every now and then..amazing how many love the idea.

  6. Jeff Taylor said:

    Our local Sheriff has actually set up shop, at these National Night Out events in the ghetto. He comes to voluntarily collect DNA from those inner-city kids, in case they might be victims of kidnapping or other crimes. I don’t see it that way, I see a database of future suspects.

  7. Jerry Johnson said:

    People can purchase DNA kits to use on their children in the event of a missing persons case or worse.

  8. Jeff Taylor said:

    Exactly, but in this case it’s assumed that some inner-city sheeple are too dumb to realize the implications. Which they are, and it’s capitalized on.

  9. Dave Kelly said:

    Law enforcement is a standing Army in AMERICA. And way out of control in AMERICA. 900 to 1,200 humans a yr die at the hands of law enforcement. We need our troops home to protect us from law enforcement and big Government. Bring our troops home. And not let our troops kill men,women,and children for our freedom.

  10. Valentin Vladimirovich said:

    lol, it will happen and people will allowed goverment to tag them like sheep.. look they aready doing it little by little, with social security, credit cards and even when you buy firearms, they tag you. its will happens how soon.. who knows but i hope way after i am dead.

  11. Jeff Davison said:

    I’ll get chipped when they take away my guns, then I won’t need to be chipped anyway…

  12. Jack Hogan said:

    Actually we won’t. Lots of libs and youths would though.

  13. Travis McCoy said:

    Negative, I won’t be lining up anytime soon. Actually considering ditching all my connected devices

  14. Dan Bauer said:

    People are stupid and basically lemmings. If you stand back and let things like this happen without a fight…you wont ever be able to stop anything again.

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