When Coming Across a Mountain Lion in the Wild, This is What a Person Should Never Do…

mountain lion

Mountain lions are one one of the most feared predators in the United States, and while a lot of this fear results from a misunderstanding of this creature, they are still dangerous enough to garner a lot of respect from everyone.

Luckily the chance of encountering a cougar while spending time out in the wild are slim since they generally are very reclusive animals that usually are afraid of people. In fact, only in the rarest of circumstances will they decide to attack a person, least of all a full-sized adult.

Even though mountain lion attacks rarely happen, they still can take place. Across the board, these types of attacks should have been prevented by following some simple tips that actually apply to a variety of predatory animals.

If a survivalist were to encounter a mountain lion while bugging out or spending time outdoors, they should take the time to learn these rules beforehand.

On the next page check out some helpful tips on what to do should you ever encounter this predatory creature. 

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  1. Don Rusler said:

    Don’t run ….It’s faster and wants to see the back of your neck exposed.

  2. Dankih Tahsha Bauman said:

    When u come across a mountain lion you buck the f*ck up and kill it taking every scratch and bite like the$#%&!@*man or woman that you are. Then you skin it, eat it and use every part of it

  3. Barbara A. Davis said:

    Well if you don’t have your gun on you then put your head between your legs and kiss your$#%&!@*goodbye

  4. Freddie Serna said:

    Take a pen laser with you. When you see the cat point the laser to the ground and start moving the red beam around.

  5. David Wood said:

    Lions usually attack from above or behind. If in lion country, make a wooden framework for your pack and apply 12 inch wooden spikes to it, will buy you time to defend yourself.

  6. Chance Guy said:

    A short barrel 12ga with 00 or a 44 mag works wonders and keep your mouth shut!

  7. Marty Linebarger said:

    9mm, 1 round warning usually works, or bring a chihuahua and toss it at him. Lunch is served.

  8. Kris Dueker said:

    Whatsup with all the “page responded privately” stuff about?

  9. Travis Rasmussen said:

    Just stand still and let the animal do its thing. Unless it’s actually going to attack you. Just be quick on the draw but don’t kill it unless you have to.

  10. September Rose Carter said:

    Don’t make eye contact and don’t run slowly back away and never take your eyes off of it and by God leave it alone!!

  11. Bob Crowder said:

    Is there a documented case of a mountain lion attack? There more scared of you

  12. Bob Todd said:

    Find a lib to feed it, they probely won’t like the taste

  13. Bob Crowder said:

    I have Florida Panthers in the woods around my house and they run before you can get close. Must not be as mean as a mountain lion

  14. Brett A Cook said:

    Let it jump on you but remebr that knife and stick it right through the eye socket. Side of the upper body impale its lung. Stab it in the ear hole. Up the nose..

  15. Steve Oberste said:

    Can someone put this in summation for me? My phone won’t load all these pages…

  16. Michael Paul said:

    They’re basically the same animal. Probably just an abundance of food in the area, so they stay busy with smaller prey.

  17. John Detherage said:

    We got a lot of cougars running around our neighborhood but none of them walk on four legs

  18. Gabe Suarez said:

    Where do they discuss shooting it in the face with your rifle?

  19. Mark Lee said:

    I saw one got out of the truck ran after it. It took off like a scalded cat.

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