Want to Stay Cool During a Blackout? Make a Simple Air Conditioner in Just 8 Easy Steps!

DIY Homemade AC


Now that cooler pad is cut and in place, you'll need to grab your scissors again which will be used to cut some of the fiberglass window screen (which is usually two layers) or some of your garden cloth. This will be used to go in between the inside wall of the 5-gallow bucket and the evaporative cooling pad.

add the screen

This is where it will come in handy to find the final measurements of the evaporative pad you cut and then wrote down on a piece of paper earlier.

The screen will help retain the pad and also the water that it will hold inside the bucket.


With the pad and screen in place, it's time to prepare the bucket lid. The goal is to admit air to the fan intake.

cut a hole in the lid

Measure the fan you plan on using. Mark the lid carefully and then use a durable utility knife to cut a hole in the middle of the bucket lid. The hole should be smaller than the fan but large enough to allow good airflow to enter.

After the break learn how to add the fan to the lid and properly place the aquarium pump and tubing in the bucket. You're more than halfway done with completing your air conditioning unit!

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  1. Stephen Maro said:

    This may make you feel cooler but actually adds heat to a room (remember to cool you have to transfer the heat somewhere else). You can make a two bucket system with two fans, one set inside and one out that would actually cool, but you have to connect then through a wall or window somehow.

  2. Kenny Feazell said:

    Hey that’s no joke. I actually built one of those last year and bought the copper, water pump, etc to Julie another one here just in case. Lol

  3. Kenny Feazell said:

    Uh I don’t partake any longer bro but yea it wouldn’t take much to make one.

  4. Justin Jolliff said:

    We used one where i used to work in va. Feels about 5 to 10 degrees cooler. Its a swamp cooler and when its 90+ makes it feel a little better but its not an air conditioner and uses the water quickly.

  5. Mike Welker said:

    Swamp cooler, not air conditioner. It puts humidity into the air, which makes things worse here in the south

  6. Trent Long said:

    It’s not A/C, it’s a swamp cooler. They can be useful, so long as you don’t have high humidity already.

  7. Trent Long said:

    It’s not A/C, it’s a swamp cooler. They can be useful, so long as you don’t have high humidity already.

  8. Eric Hohensee said:

    Yeah during a blackout I’ll just go out and get myself a shovel full of snow

  9. Trent Long said:

    They don’t create high humidity, but they will raise it up to normal levels in especially dry areas. They use evaporation for cooling, so as long as the water is evaporating, it’s cooling. 🙂

  10. William Mayberry said:

    Only works in dry places, not in humid climates like you’d need. Also, I’ve made a few ice A/Cs different methods, and they are very inefficient. A whole cooler of ice barely cools a small cab pickup for maybe an hour before it all melts. Best bet is to find a way to run coil through whole… large blocks. Still were fun to make though.


