This Miracle-Working Substance Found in a Kitchen Has the Power to Stop Bleeding


When you get a cut or any type of wound, you probably automatically assume that it will take a while for the bleeding to stop. Depending on how serious the wound is, somewhat minor cuts can really take a while to heal.

What if there was a way to stop the bleeding and heal your wounds a lot faster? This miracle remedy isn't hard to find!

Just by looking at your spice rack, you can find the best way to stop your cut from bleeding. What is this miracle substance? Read on to find out and how to apply it!

It's simple and incredibly easy. Not to mention, you can apply this topically and even consume it for extra fast healing.

Find out how you can quickly stop a cut from bleeding on the next page!

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  1. Henry Rowe said:

    It’s cayenne pepper to help stop bleeding fast eat it and apply it to a cut

  2. Magnus Bjarke Steinnbrû said:

    Instead of clicking through a million pages to get to where it actually tells you, here’s a spoiler. It’s cayenne pepper.

  3. Bridget Elam said:

    plain unleavend flour or cornstarch will work will sugar…

  4. Adam Stewart said:

    Thanks. Probably going to delete Die Hard Survivor with it being nothing but links to clickbait.

  5. Brandon Harney said:

    Yes, it hurts like hell, just like quik clot, but if you’re bleeding badly, it will stop or at least slow it down until you get some help

  6. Eric Beatty said:

    Grampa said to rub dirt on it….it’s a long way from your heart.

  7. Magnus Bjarke Steinnbrû said:

    I’m just letting everyone know what this is. Personally, if it’s not a jagged wound, and it doesn’t just quit bleeding on it’s own, I use super glue. That was it’s original use anyway.

  8. Magnus Bjarke Steinnbrû said:

    I’m just letting everyone know what this is. Personally, if it’s not a jagged wound, and it doesn’t just quit bleeding on it’s own, I use super glue. That was it’s original use anyway.

  9. Magnus Bjarke Steinnbrû said:

    I’m just letting everyone know what this is. Personally, if it’s not a jagged wound, and it doesn’t just quit bleeding on it’s own, I use super glue. That was it’s original use anyway.

  10. Mike Kelly said:

    There are several plants that are awesome to use on cuts and wounds. Yarrow, which grows all over the midwest, is a hemostatic (meaning it stops bleeding) and also promotes healing. The common Marigold (Calendula officinalis) is also a great wound healer. Learn these, and other plants, and learn to make salve from them, as well as how to make teas and tinctures. You can easily stock your own medicine cabinet with effective natural medicines. Another herb, Echiancea purpurea, when combined with Vitamin C and Zinc can shorten the duration of a cold by half and greatly lesson the severity of symptoms, and it works on many other infections as well. Blackberry leaves are very effective at stopping diarrhea. The list goes on and on. Learn the plants and how to make medicines from them. It is a satisfying hobby and a valuable skill. Just practice conservation in your harvesting of wild plants.

  11. Matthew Blackburn said:

    Just use flour lol works almost as good as quick clot and wont burn the$#%&!@*outta you lol

  12. Derek Graf said:

    Any kind of powdery substance will work as long is it is non toxic. All things corn based, most kitchen cooking powders and even the dried herbs. Prolly baking soda too.

  13. Mike Kelly said:

    Bob Murray There is a Field Guide to Medicinal Plants, and there are various books on how to process the plants into medicines. The internet will probably be your most valuable resource as far as identification and uses. Just double and triple check everything that you read,as there are a lot of flakes that publish things on the internet. The very best way to learn is by finding a local herbalist and make friends. My grandpa knew a lot of the herbs and got me started when I was a little boy, then I just built on that.

    What part of the country do you live in Bob?

  14. David Stephenson said:

    “It works because cayenne pepper reacts with the body to equalize blood pressure. The circulatory system is a closed pressurized system. When a cut or laceration opens the system up the pressure balance is thrown off. ” that is so much crap

  15. Peter Culp said:

    That doesn’t sound fun at all. I think bleeding out might be preferable to putting cayenne pepper in a major flesh wound.


