The Truth as to Why a Second American Civil War May Be Inevitable

SHTF riot


If we thought that the concept of another civil war was an antiquated idea, something our uncivilized ancestors thought the only way to bring about an eventual peace, we all might be in for a rude awakening.

This has nothing to do with the abolishment of slavery but perceptions; an unflinching interpretation – you are wrong and I am right – which brings about the potential for violence and country wide upheaval!

More and more, the United States is becoming divided in loyalty and political ideals. It’s no longer a country of: “While I respect your opinion I do not agree with it.” It is more of a: “I am right and will destroy, verbally or physically, anyone who says anything different!”

When you think about it, wasn't that the mindset in April of 1861?

If you feel this is an exaggeration look at the television news, online reports, and memes, or even newspapers to see how violence is not just something outside of the United States but practically in our backyard from day to day!

After the break go to the next page and read why a second American civil war may be inevitable!

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  1. Casey Fazzi said:

    Normally I agree with not voting. We really don’t have a “choice” as you can see by the two choices we get every four years. But I had to vote not Hillary this time. I felt obligated to. Not because I liked Trump but because I disliked her and her slime bag husband. However saying that I find it mind boggling how the lamestream media as well as anyone that finds an audience can just trash the sitting president and speak in such a way as I’ve never heard before in my lifetime. It’s a level of disrespect that I’ve never seen before and I know damn well if ALL the people out there that hated Obama “and there are many” did stuff like this, people would already be fighting in the streets.

  2. Joseph Petrowski said:

    Bring down the greedy and corrupt top 1% get rid of the nut job democrats and liberals and this nation would be great again

  3. Aaron Villegas said:

    Mark Greer Actually Mark…all the wealthy people in the megalopolises of the US own most of the ag land. And, people would be surprised of how many people that are “Blue” can shoot! If not hem, they’ll buy mercenaries to fight! Anyhow..have a fun summer everyone, shoot, fish, camp, drink and be merry!

  4. Hunter Long said:

    Paul Whittington actually I’d listen and see if a compromise could be reached. Don’t rush to assume I only want you to agree with my opinions and views I’m willing to negotiate and attempt to compromise. Don’t be using reverse psychology when your butt is backed into a corner just like every other libtard snowflake. That’s yalls go to method every time. So go to your safe place and cry me a river

  5. Hunter Long said:

    Paul Whittington well your wording and language of your post says other wise

  6. Paul Whittington said:

    Yes Hunter you know me o so well. Why do you assume someone wants to compromise with you? Especially when you’re obviously trying to get me angry so I’ll argue with you. The problem with that is I don’t give a$#%&!@*about your labels or your name calling. You’re a very childish acting man. Why would I ever feel backed in a corner? Because I agreed we need to come together? You’re a silly man, who can’t be reasoned with. No one cries here, and because you think I used reverse psychology, you’re going to throw a tantrum and resort to play ground name calling. You sir are a joke. A brilliant absence of sophistication.

  7. Jeff Alan Rickard said:

    LeighHawes- i never said that i was ready to conform any of my ideals or beliefs for anyone.nor did i say that i wasnt ready for a fight, I’d put my life on the line for what i belive In..what im trying to say is we the people need to get along so we can make a stand if need be, BUT i belive that should be a last resort, we should some how get them to realize that they work for us and if our beliefs and ideas arent considered than we the people will take it all back from the bastards. Im not willing to even bend my beliefs for anyone. my beliefs are basicly whats in the constitution & no american should want that altered.EVER.

  8. Jeff Alan Rickard said:

    Thomas Daniel Gunter. Exactly what im trying to say, EXACTLY.u sir are just way better at explaining it & saying it than i ever will be..

  9. Jeff Alan Rickard said:

    You idiots, this is why we the people will never be able to make a stand over jackasses ate sitting here and argueing over republicans & demacrates. Niether one of them give a$#%&!@*about anything other than them selves, they dont give a$#%&!@*about us , never have, its all about absolute power and controll. It shouldnt be about one fucking side or the other it should be about whats best for the country & nothing else. Both sides have good points and bad points but just like u fucking retards proved here niether side will admit that or be willing to compromise because one sides supposed to hate the other no matter whats best for the people. If U fucking idiots would just knock it the$#%&!@*off and put all that wasted energy towards a common goal that actully benefited america and its people regrardless of whos fucking idea it was this place would be so much bettter off than it is now u wouldnt belive it. But because your mindless puppets that have to stixk to one side weather its right or wrong this country is doomed. It should be about whats best for everyone. Just not one side or the other.

  10. Thomas Daniel Gunter said:

    Like it or not, we’re all Americans. This is hands down the best country that has ever been on this planet. We need to take that in as a whole population first, then set about going after the ones trying to keep us pitted against each other. It’s inevitable that we aren’t going to get everything we want. But we can take control back from the politicians and corporatist that keep us at odds to save their own skins. Look at Romania as an example. Without guns, and a military that was with the people, they took their country back in less than a week, without a civil war. The people are the power, but only if we stand together.

  11. John Throgmorton said:

    It’s impossible to have a civil war in this country now but you don’t have to be even remotely intelligent to figure that out. Any uprising of any small minded gun toting fucks will be stomped into the ground by the US government quicker than$#%&!@* You better believe that!

  12. Jared Behrends said:

    The American revolution was fought to gain independence from a strong, over reaching government. And now, you’re asking for a stronger, over reaching federal government? Is there anything you don’t want the government to dictate? The whole purpose of forming this country was to give power to the individual. If you don’t like your situation, change it. If you’re not willing to change it yourself, sit down and shut up. If you feel you’ve been wronged, take it to the courts. That’s what they’re for. It’s not up to an unelected official to regulate your rights.

  13. Marcos Rodriguez said:

    Jared Behrends , relax, amigo!! You are talking about the same government we’ve had for years. Are you not bitching and moaning on a device through a federally funded internet? Do you think your state could have payed for the infrastructure for that? What about the federal interstate system? Unless you grow every single thing you consume (possible) and harvest your own trees for construction, then you still continue to depend on interstate commerce via federal transportation. Funny how you want to benefit from somethings but you don’t want to extend that courtesy to others.

    For people that value liberty so much you sure promote the opposite. Based on this country’s history, the main reason we need a Federal government is to ensure equality. Making sure that big business doesn’t just grind isus up and use us at it’s whim. We will not all be successful, but we must all have an equal chance at access to the American Dream.

    And no, we are not there.

  14. Kyle Anderson said:

    A revolt, or riots yes thats probably. But I cant even imagine the country going into an actual civil war. The people in this country are too brainwashed and scared to stand up to the government. The second one group of people do the rest of the country will call them terrorists and will be fine with sending the military in to deal with it. People would be too scared to resist.

  15. Justin Bradburn said:

    Needs to. All these dern democrats, muslims, illegal aliens, antifa and thug fools need to be deep sixed.

  16. Terry Huff said:

    I’m sure the shooting will begin in the very near future

  17. Howard Floyd said:

    True, hard working ,(legal) Americans have had enough!
    Hell……Our loved ones that died for this country are rolling over in their graves!
    Democrats & liberals have destroyed this country.
    In a lot of States, if you only know English you can’t even get a job…. what the f*** is that! America government has put all the wrong people first and it won’t work. Is our sweat and blood that built it and everyone else is benefiting from it and we’ve had enough so I say bring it!

  18. Mark Wesolowski said:

    Police are ruling this land with an iron fist. We were supposed to be a free people not extorted for everything by force

  19. Thomas Hasara said:

    You realize that in your rebuttal you just described an actual civil war?
    One group labels the other group something that justifies military force against them… yeah that’s how most civil wars start.

  20. Justin Bradburn said:

    Matthew, see that’s where you’re wrong. I am not a democrat, muslim, illegal alien, antifa member, or thug fool.

    By default, I am better than they are.

    Murderous?!? Wrong again. I am not seeking it to happen.

  21. Rawhide Jeff Moser said:

    Not because of race…because you and I pay more taxes than corporations like GE and Walmart,,,and because insurance CEOs make 20 Million a year while you and I go broke buying insurance…

  22. Justin Bradburn said:

    Matthew, would you be the troglodyte? With your accept all lib democrat BS.

    Troglodyte meaning, (especially in prehistoric times) a person who lived in a cave.

    2016 was last year. 2017, is now. Society has discovered it has a problem with certain demographics of people. It sucks, I wish it wasn’t so, but it’s true.

    Stating a fact makes no one anything more than a realist.

  23. Rick Plocharczyk said:

    Nobody is scared. We will thin the stupid out in this country and then go back to following the constitution.

  24. Jake Heaton said:

    Sounds like you are questionably advocating genocide, which definitely makes you the bad guy.

  25. Nathan Paul said:

    Let’s start by getting rid of all the illegal aliens from 1492 and on…..

  26. Nathan Paul said:

    Or we could just choose better leaders…… You know decent folk who can spell and articulate a thought. Maybe throw some compassion and intelligence in the mix for good measure. Add a little common sense and morality as well.

  27. Jake Heaton said:

    Sorry, missed the memo that mentioned “deep sixed” meaning something other than permanent elimination.

  28. Ron Paynter said:

    “Revolution is pointless today. The world moves too fast; we’ve fucked time. When the revolution finally figures out what it wants, it’s already too late–the opposition has factored it into its own plan. The revolution becomes another cog. We’re all working for the opposition now.”

  29. Daniel Dowdney III said:

    A civil war between gun toting freedom loving rednecks like myself and gluten free romper wearing LGBTQ+ vegans who hate violence hmmmm I wonder who would win?

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