The Truth as to Why a Second American Civil War May Be Inevitable

SHTF riot


If we thought that the concept of another civil war was an antiquated idea, something our uncivilized ancestors thought the only way to bring about an eventual peace, we all might be in for a rude awakening.

This has nothing to do with the abolishment of slavery but perceptions; an unflinching interpretation – you are wrong and I am right – which brings about the potential for violence and country wide upheaval!

More and more, the United States is becoming divided in loyalty and political ideals. It’s no longer a country of: “While I respect your opinion I do not agree with it.” It is more of a: “I am right and will destroy, verbally or physically, anyone who says anything different!”

When you think about it, wasn't that the mindset in April of 1861?

If you feel this is an exaggeration look at the television news, online reports, and memes, or even newspapers to see how violence is not just something outside of the United States but practically in our backyard from day to day!

After the break go to the next page and read why a second American civil war may be inevitable!

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  1. Sean Fitzgerald said:

    John O’Connor only for votes$#%&!@* theres no huntin in cities! or farms either.!

  2. Kevin Shannon said:

    Let me see, the middle class has been gutted by job losses due to free trade agreements, so the tax base to support a lot of things is disappearing. The poor can’t pay for them and the rich won’t. People are going to be mad if programs are cut, others will be mad if you raise their taxes to pay for it. Our country is a powder keg with a drunk holding a lit match over it.

  3. Jeremy L. Vculek said:

    No one is forced you not to donate you time and treasure to whatever cause you want. If you want to provide cheap healthcare or education then by all means go ahead and do it. But you have no right to steal the time and treasure of other people to do it. You seem to forget conservatives have wives, daughters, female friends,& mothers that tell them the world is perfectly fair as long as they try. In fact there are tons of conservatives who really don’t care how gay or trannie you are but they have grown sick of watching the things they care about assaulted while being told they have to care about the things you care about so you lost them. They watched the constitutional rights of 100% of the population get violated while the people doing it screamed about the rights of the ultra small minority that have been upheld gay marriage is legal no one forced Bruce Jenner to stop wearing a dress. Your argument is dishonest

  4. Josh Hantz said:

    The answers to both are both and neither. They just go about it differently.

  5. Jared Behrends said:

    And? She said it’s up to the individual states to regulate. Which, constitutionally, is correct. If it cannot be remedied at the local level, it would go to the state level. If it still doesn’t get fixed, then it would go to the federal level. If you have a problem at work, who do you talk to first? Your supervisor or the CEO? The federal department of education gives money to the states. Not individual schools.

  6. Marcos Rodriguez said:

    Jared Behrends , then you are not guaranteeing that every American has access to equal educations due to different state requirements. If you are in a rural district this should concern you as well.

  7. Jessie Warren said:

    Bryan Scott I’m sure your branches have fell on your head a few times !!! I have Black Nieces and Nephews, but I don’t have to tell you that but I will. This is NOT about Slavery !!! You heard someone say it was and so you believe it, like a brainwashed Liberal !!! Hell, my wife does Genealogy, I bet if she checked your branches, i’ll bet somewhere down the line, they were slave owners. But enough about slavery, this is about my ancestors and they DO NOT deserve to be stomped on and desecrated and I’m sure as hell ain’t gonna stand by a watch them do it !!! Would You like it if we went to your Family’s graves and dug up their headstones and destroy it ??? Then DON’T do it to MINE !!!!! I happen to Love my Heritage and I’ll fight to protect it !! Learn from History instead of destroying it. NOTHING good will come from this, except a WAR and MILLIONS of PISSED OFF Southerners !!

  8. Jared Behrends said:

    You missed my whole point. If there is a civil rights issue, it goes through the courts. Her job in the department of education is to disperse funds to the STATES and set educational standards. She doesn’t make laws. She doesn’t prosecute crimes. She doesn’t hear cases. It is not her job to punish schools who violate civil rights.

  9. Jim Riviera said:

    Brian Covalt : Love the Carlin quote! We need a clone of him back to bring some sanity back to the world.

  10. Jeremy Jay Lee Austin-Skidmore said:

    -I- do not control the anti-socials. If I did, they’d be ordered to return home and await orders ‘7Ø’s style or simply rounded up, shown a suitable backstop, and dealt with by dispatch.
    That was only one PHASE of the civil war, wherein the anti-socials had “the inside track” to act however they wanted. Now that they’ve lost that advantage, they’re being much more pointed about thier intentions.

  11. Marcos Rodriguez said:

    Why have a United States then? Every American is guaranteed rights regardless of their beliefs. As Sec. of Education it is her job to advise on Federal policy, activities and programs for all, regardless. She is not doing that. Left to the devices of States, you would have 50 different standards. That’s a No Go at this station.

  12. Jennifer VanDierendonk said:

    Anyone defending Trump is outing themselves as an idiot. He is fucking you over and you are begging for more.

  13. Jim Bayse said:

    It won’e be between the North and South. It will be between snowflakes, democrats and “refugees” vs American patriots.

  14. Michael Wood said:

    You are incorrect. The Conservative party is based on reducing the federal government and the liberals work to expand federal control.

  15. Eric Swatzell said:

    E Pluribus Unum. Everyone needs to stop thinking they are the “real Americans” that’s a logical fallacy: no true Scotsman. I’ve seen it from all sides. Does no one see the divide and conquer that’s being executed? Most, not all, but most of what’s being disagreed over are trivial things. No one, NO ONE has the right to force anyone to conform to their beliefs. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
    Maybe it is enevitable, but it’s guaranteed not to go how anyone expects. If the enemy is in range, so are you.

  16. TR Peterson said:

    Yeah these comments are pretty awful. Believe it or not there are “liberal” preppers out here….

  17. Matt Young said:

    Great hearing all the true Americans wanting a strong and untied nation. Smh

  18. TR Peterson said:

    Right Paul? I have friends and family of all political persuasions and have the same issue you do – being called conservative by one side and liberal by the other. The bottom line is respecting each other again and our right to have different views, not wanting each other dead.

  19. Jimmie Powers said:

    Truth is, our government takes what it wants, this is your answer to Bundy ranch. Congress goes into office

  20. Kevin Rego said:

    Can you say term limits, good because most politicians can’t

  21. Jr Bass said:

    Well the majority of red is heavily armed and trained with a gun, not just playing gangster like the blues, not to mention at least 75% of our military voted trump so not to mention the millions of veterans who would gladly pick up a gun and weed out the stupid people in this country if. A war ever started you guys in a concrete jungle would lose

  22. Jr Bass said:

    I live in oklahoma and not one damn farmer is a Democrat so I think your liberal comment only applies to the idiots in california

  23. David Stevenson said:

    TR Peterson, name 1 comment that was awful. I don’t see any. Katie Merrill, seems like u don’t keep up with the news. What liberals are doing today with the violent protests are attacking conservatives because we have a different point of view. My comments demonstrate my willingness to fight back against the aggressors, and bring the fight to them instead of waiting like a pitiful sheep for them to show up at my doorstep. And, no, I don’t consider violent terrorists or violent liberals human or have any respect for them. Peaceful ones I’m ok with, but violent anti-American I consider enemies.

  24. Jr Bass said:

    You guys are dumb both parties are the wings of the same bird they don’t give a$#%&!@*about us unless we can make them rich and yes this includes trump, definitely obozo, and killary we the people pay them we need to unite and take our country back and everyone live free like we are meant to be

  25. Erik Anderson said:

    More than likely it will be the American people against the federal government and its loyalists. But it will not likely happen for sometime until the members of government continues to economically squeeze the people, continue its imperialist wars, and cutting funding to vital programs while bowing down to their corporatist masters. Its been preparing for a civil conflict too, why else would it spend 600 billion dollars a year on military spending while the top 25 nations worldwide spend a fraction of the amount? Insulation against an uprising.

  26. Chris Whinery said:

    Anyone thinking they’re more intelligent, aaaand a liberal, is deluding themselves.

    You people are some of the most ignorant of history, civics, and especially economics…you’re so dumb, you shouldn’t be considered human at all….just a bunch of dumb cows mouthing dem slogans.

  27. Jonathan Duke said:

    I see no awful comments. Just comments about reality.

    Maybe you are simply misunderstanding what was being said.

  28. David Stevenson said:

    Either that or he is an effeminate, passive-aggressive, mental midget who waxes his chest. There, that was an offensive comment.

  29. Steve Sposato said:

    I have been seeing this for a long time and I think this is what Soros is working and paying for.

  30. Lonnie West said:

    I don’t think so as most Americans don’t know Karate but the majority know Click Pow ! no need to go there.

  31. Dwayne Yarborough said:

    Do you remember 9/11….. every person in the U.S. Was waving American flags, morning the loss of innocence people of all ethnicities,, we stood together,, as one,,, Americans!!!!!….. think about what happened to change that,,,if you think about it… it shouldn’t be that hard to figure out….


