The Truth as to Why a Second American Civil War May Be Inevitable

SHTF riot


If we thought that the concept of another civil war was an antiquated idea, something our uncivilized ancestors thought the only way to bring about an eventual peace, we all might be in for a rude awakening.

This has nothing to do with the abolishment of slavery but perceptions; an unflinching interpretation – you are wrong and I am right – which brings about the potential for violence and country wide upheaval!

More and more, the United States is becoming divided in loyalty and political ideals. It’s no longer a country of: “While I respect your opinion I do not agree with it.” It is more of a: “I am right and will destroy, verbally or physically, anyone who says anything different!”

When you think about it, wasn't that the mindset in April of 1861?

If you feel this is an exaggeration look at the television news, online reports, and memes, or even newspapers to see how violence is not just something outside of the United States but practically in our backyard from day to day!

After the break go to the next page and read why a second American civil war may be inevitable!

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  1. Karl Harrelson said:

    Come together in the middle and get away from the fringes. The media hyped the fringes and fans the flames of division. The true enemy of the American people is the sensationalist media which seeks to increase viewers by creating a crisis that wasn’t there.

  2. Hunter Long said:

    Spoken like a true snowflake Libtard… Maybe the same people you’re referring to are just tired and fed up with the left and it’s bat$#%&!@*crazy Ideas and beliefs. You say doomsday prepers and gun hoarders all sound like terrorists and call us hypocrites?!? LMAO!!! And the liberal left ain’t?!? I will say this, the moment we lay aside our differences and focus on how to solve problems in a rational manner, is the moment that America will truly be great again. And yes this includes the elites of the world. I’m willing to are YOU?!?

  3. Karl Harrelson said:

    John O’Connor, the city has to be able to get to the farms. To do that they need gas for their cars, which comes on trucks.

  4. Teej Lámh said:

    You have your opinion/views (regardless of how moronic they sound) and i respect that. But to label a group based on political beliefs showing your sheeple mentality…as well as your low IQ. Good day sir. *comment unfollowed*

  5. Bradley Kennedy said:

    it’s already underway. libturds, black separatists/supremacists, moslems,politically correct morons ALL are at war with USA, Constitution loving freedom seeking AMERICANS.

  6. Paul Whittington said:

    Um, you say you’re willing to lay aside differences while calling me libtard. OK. You mean to say you’re willing to work something out as long as people agree with your opinion. You’re correct towardthe end of your statement. We need to come together against the system that is separating us. The government. They’re the ones who group is into “classes”.

  7. Leigh Hawes said:

    You may be right, but the problem become when you try to offer a solution and the other side is resistant and actually wants you you to change your ideals as an American to fit what they think you should be…. and that is what it noils down to… are you willing to cast aside your ideals and beliefs in order to conform to what the other side wants just to avoid an all out confrontation. If you cannot conform, then be prepared for a fight, and if you are prepared for a fight, then you can negotiate for your ideals and beliefs from a position of strength.

  8. Ryan Morgan said:

    My family is “White” and fought for the Confederacy… We have a “White” woman in our tree as you implied… Well she was burned by the K.K.K, so maybe not hanging in our tree. Surprisingly it was my 3rd Great Grandfather’s Sister, the Confederate Veteran…

    Do more research on your own about the Civil War before vomiting up what somebody fed you for supremacy and to lay blame.

  9. Paul Whittington said:

    Plus, speaking of labels. For the past 8 years I’ve been labeled a gun toting conservative, because I disagreed with Obama. Now I’m a liberal. Pretty funny if you ask me. I’m for truly making America first. That includes all Americans.

  10. Alexander Robert Monaghan said:

    5 farmers? Think of those that raise your live stock. Work the oil fields, build and fix machinery. How many liberals work on guns for a living or build ammo. How many do you think could handle being in the bush and surviving off the land. I grew up in cities and have a good idea how they work. They would fall fast. We would take your comfort.

  11. David Sotelo said:

    LOL! There is more where that came from. Prepping you dumbasses isn’t a Liberal or a Conservative pursuit but inasmuch as a previous poster threw down the “Liberals are to blame” false canard I felt compelled to respond. Sorry you are still butthurt over your coward hero Ronnie Reagan.

  12. John O'Connor said:

    It does take quite a hallucinatory imagination to come up with some of these claims. I’ll give ya that. Keep dreaming though. All the power lies in the cities, and that will never change.

  13. Aaron Sweeney said:

    When the government is run by corrupt pieces of$#%&!@*that only care about money…. Yes yes it was and still is bound to happen.

  14. DanMaygan Spillane said:

    Don’t worry the florid won’t fail…people can only be passionate for a short time… especially large enough numbers

  15. Terry Donahue said:

    Your definition of an “American”!
    Not mine!
    The fact that he became a citizen just reinforces OP theory.

  16. James Stealey said:

    Fear mongering and a lack of understanding the Civil War may lead a lot of people to these conclusions, but they are wrong.
    The volatile state between the left and right paradigm is more founded in the media and in illusion than in reality.
    The civil war began because States (not citizens) disagreed with the election of Lincoln. Those states filed letters of secession. The federal government under Lincoln decided the States would not be permitted to leave the Union (mainly do to huge losses in southern revenues and tax dollars) without teaching a entire history of the war lesson this is the starkest contrast between now and then.

    If there is to be a “war” between Americans it will be more akin to the Cuban Revolution. With small groups of skirmishes and random violence escalating… and that is already at the door

  17. Ivah Onstott said:

    Should never have been allowed to be a citizen of the u.s. he should have been tried for war crimes. He helped the ss steal from the Jewish people they took to concentration camps. In an interview he actually said he wasn’t sorry he did it. And yes I saw the video.

  18. Ivah Onstott said:

    Do you believe only black people live in these cities and that they’re the only idiots living there? Nothing about race was even mentioned. And by the way; many people not of the white race voted for Trump also. Smfh at the idiocy of some people.

  19. Ivah Onstott said:

    They’ll wait until they are the majority. Right now they are taking over public offices to be able to change laws. They’re doing it slowly, but at some point they will be in position and our way of life will be no more.

  20. Ivah Onstott said:

    Do you really believe people are talking about zombies? You’re delusional.

  21. William Rembowski said:

    Ivah Onstott No, you’re delusional. All these scenarios of doomsday and civil war that armchair warriors think they are going to be able to use their toys to make over the U.S. like they want it to be. That’s the delusion.

  22. Chris Whinery said:

    It’s pretty obvious what’s happening…Liberal politicians and the msm are inciting and condoning violence.

    And, while I don’t think civil war is likely, the libtard populace that follow them ‘the resistance’ lol,
    will tear apart the cities they live in before they are put down.

    Those same politicians and msm will then blame Trump….
    Unfortunately for them, we’re no longer in a place where their opinions matter.

  23. Bill Hatley said:

    Sorry, but once you’ve not only been raised but also groomed by the Nazis….
    Have you read any of his books? He’s openly stated he’d love to see America fall. But nope. Nobody reads anymore. They get their information from Internet memes and from media he owns enough of to influence. (Research Soros Fund Management LLC portfolio)
    Remember that refugee/open border comercial during the super bowl? The one by Budwiser? The year before he bought a couple of hundred million in Anheuser-Busch stock. Which, by the way, he sold promptly following the Super Bowl. They were a tool. He used them then sold their stock before it fell in response. Smart man. And like I said, he’s just the public face, he’s not alone. Follow the money. Money doesn’t lie.

  24. Dustin Fowler said:

    Well, as if we already didn’t know you were a liberal, you have for sure proven it now. You ask for facts, you’re given facts, you don’t like the facts, so you just ignore them. Power lies in the cities? Yeah, as long as everything is sailing smoothly. Something goes wrong, and people are panicking and at each others throats. Any big disaster nationwide ever happens, cities will tear themselves apart in the 1st week.

  25. Jerry Hemphill said:

    How has the right been striping the rights from the lgbt and I am not Christian and other people’s education, and health care are not problem, and I should not have to pay for it.

  26. David Stephenson said:

    Meh, Trump is making lots of liberals aware of the benefits of the second ammendment

  27. Sean Fitzgerald said:

    cop shootings black riots shootings etc drugs, corruption the media fanned the flames big time — under democratict watch obama… yep they wanted a civil war paid thugs from liberals and soro,s burn destroy things, and beat on folks. ! i think the civil war 1860 started like that. if it occurs what side will ya be on? i,m on gop.

  28. Jared Behrends said:

    Education and healthcare are services. You get out of them what you put into them. Want better schools? Join the PTA, go to school board meetings, treat the teachers with respect so they’re willing to put their best effort into teaching. Want better healthcare? Pay for it. The best doctors and nurses come with a price tag. They put the work into becoming the best in their field. What rights does the LGBT community not have? They can use any amenities available to the public. Are you talking about marriage? Because that’s a religious institution that is recognized by the government. Not a government institution. If you think gerrymandering is a strictly Christian or right wing agenda, you are mistaken. District lines are regularly redrawn regardless of who is in office.

  29. Sean Fitzgerald said:

    dems lie– the redistribution of wealth biggest lie how much money did yu get? i got zero ! riches party dems they got the most million and billionaires, kennedy,s bloomberg etc. but they never take there money to redistribute ! when they loose the areguement/debate then they go with feelings emotions to try score a win. oh no, huh well check up the debates on the 2nd admnt! its there.. dems want a feeling! like drugs! so now they hit ya with FEAR panic doom and gloom ! but fdr; stated the only fear is fear itself. so there role model fdr is a liar, or they the modern day dems are liars! deal with it..

  30. Jared Behrends said:

    I’ve been saying this for years. There’s a reason why they’re called public servants. It’s suppose to be an inconvenience to the individual, done out of duty to serve your community, state or country.


