Survival Meals In A Jar: The Dry Canning Method

When you are a survivalist there are many things you need to prepare for. One of the top things to have on your “preparedness” list is a well-stocked pantry.

A crucial item on your list is what you’ve canned or put in vacuumed sealed jars. We can’t say enough about bottle storage. Items can last anywhere from 7 to 10 years and can mean the difference between a full belly and going hungry.

Our hostess on the next page is an expert on bottle storage and has videos on YouTube talking about recipes, including minestrone and hamburger stew.

The video on page two gives us information on good books to pick up, the problem with egg noodles, and somewhat answers the age old question: Mylar or jars?

Go on over to page two and watch this informative video!

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  1. Kim Ruth said:

    If the mix is to be kept in storage long term, either put an oxygen absorber in each jar before putting on the lid or vacuum seal the jar. Individual packages for each cake can be made using Mylar or vacuum seal bags.

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