It’s Possible to Survive an EMP With These 10 Powerful Powerless Tools!

shovel in soil

If you ask around, particularly to those who have never prepped a day in their lives, many do not have a clue what an EMP is. So, the fact that an electromagnetic pulse can wipe out anything from radios to cars to helicopters and all computer equipment stuns those not in the know.

As a matter of fact, they will probably even look at you as if you are daft for believing such a thing. “That can’t really happen, can it?” they may ask.

This is no “fake news” and an EMP can happen. It is up to us as preppers to know what we need should an event happen and prepare our family and friends for such an eventuality. If your friends and neighbors do not want to participate then it is their loss. When an EMP hits they will be quite literally in the dark.

On the next page, we will discuss the things you and yours will need to survive an EMP. Because yes, you can get through it but not if you do not know what to expect. Go take a look!

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  1. D.B. Cooper said:

    Emp alone won’t be that bad, its what caused it that killed the people

  2. Deb Wise said:

    Josey Wales, like the name….gasoline has a shelf life, you can buy a liquid extender to put in the gas, but that too will run out.

  3. John T Pedigo said:

    all you experts should know. if they are warning us and the military is conducting that specific type of exercise then it will happen. it will be done by our military and blamed on N Korea.
    That is how they conduct false flags. That is what happened in 911. the deep state is getting desperate.

  4. John T Pedigo said:

    It doesn’t matter what the source or method of EMP attack is specifically the only thing that matters is that Rus military will conduct the attack and it will be blamed on another country just like they sent us to war in Iraq and Afghanistan after they conducted the 911 attacks which has been planned for several decades. in fact, it was made public in 1967 but no one paid attention because everyone like George Jones had their head up their asses and was calling everyone a conspiracy nut.

  5. Dan Wolf said:

    think I would exchange the steel pipe for a good crowbar.

  6. Ken Solch said:

    Does not matter, you would all die in the next 7 months anyway.

  7. John Butler said:

    War elephants the only people who are going to survive the apocalypse are going to have war elephants

  8. Mark Shoffner said:

    OMG, you mean live like humans have for thousands of years up till 100 years or less ago. If you need to be told how, your probably a lost cause.

  9. Chuck Herrington said:

    Step 1 don’t keep ur money in a bank or on a card, when the shtf. You will be the first one broke, while the rest of us use CASH while it still has value…all it takes is one emp and your bank accounts are wiped with no way to recuperate, considering they wont know how much to give back

  10. Tom Smith said:

    A pipe wrench to repair a sewer ? The whoever wrote this …is not prepared at all .

  11. Jerry McBurney said:

    They already tried detonated a bomb a thousand times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb 250 miles in the air on the only thing that turned off was a street light

  12. Derek White Eagle said:

    Find a new format… If I have to go through 13 pages to get this info, I find it elsewhere. Annoying AF.

  13. Patrick Wiss said:

    Why i am glad we live in BFE, well and PVC piped and dual HDPE tank septic.

    Seriously, if some$#%&!@*like that happened, you peeps in the city are screwed, and will be at the mercy of us farmers and ranchers if you plan on surviving. Long term. Hope y’all are ready and willing to work for us.

  14. Dan Boes Sr. said:

    The shovel is to bury the dead after 70% kill each other in the mayhem that follows.

  15. Dennis Hering said:

    I have the same m1943 entrenchment tool that my uncle carried during the invasion of Normandy strapped to my BOB. That’s about all the shovel I’ll need for a while.

  16. Bc Jones said:

    With the exception of the hand drill,ppl should already have these very basic tools.

  17. Andy Anderson said:

    This article completely useless look for better material Bill Mossman tead 1 second after water food medicine should have been at the top of the list not a shovel and what is a shovel going to defend against a high powered firearm nothing

  18. Bill Mossman said:

    Ask a vet where all he had was a trench shovel and tell me how you can’t defend yourself with a shovel. Lol

  19. Andy Anderson said:

    This article is about preparing for an emp so why would you only prepare with sub adauqete materials

  20. Mark McArthur said:

    Yet the Russians and the Chinese ARE capable, and the Russians are ten miles off the coast. Yet thinking anyone can’t make an EMP device, is not only improbable, but inpracticle. It doesn’t need to be over any city either, over a transfer station works too! Especially on a “total grid system.” Yet, believe what you wish, terrorists love you just as much as the brainwashing media!

  21. Mark McArthur said:

    EMP is a an electro magnetic pulse; either by nuclear detonation, or a manmade discharge device. Reread your fact sheet!

  22. Michael Plasterer said:

    Mark McArthur and you don’t use a pipe wrench on those systems either. A pipe wrench only works on threaded pipe, which cast is not. As far as clay pipe goes, that’s not sewage, not in over 100 years.

  23. Mark McArthur said:

    These so called “survival sites” are for “preppers” that would die without help anyway.
    If you can’t collect food, repair vehicles (bicycles to semis), build or secure shelter, purify water w/o use of a dumbass straw, chances are, you’re a statistic, not a prepper!

  24. Matthew Stalo said:

    Got a fishing pole, fresh water available, don’t live in freezing climate, got enough guns, and a butt load of ammo.
    Got it down to 4 things…
    Oh 5, a bunch of local friends that fish n hunt too that’ll come together if the very unlikely event it actually happens.
    If your alone, 10 things really don’t mean squat.

  25. Michael Embry said:

    I doubt we will need a pipe wrench for seeer problems. The water system will go down too. It takes pumps, you know. Here is another reason to keep that shovel.


