It’s Possible to Survive an EMP With These 10 Powerful Powerless Tools!

shovel in soil

If you ask around, particularly to those who have never prepped a day in their lives, many do not have a clue what an EMP is. So, the fact that an electromagnetic pulse can wipe out anything from radios to cars to helicopters and all computer equipment stuns those not in the know.

As a matter of fact, they will probably even look at you as if you are daft for believing such a thing. “That can’t really happen, can it?” they may ask.

This is no “fake news” and an EMP can happen. It is up to us as preppers to know what we need should an event happen and prepare our family and friends for such an eventuality. If your friends and neighbors do not want to participate then it is their loss. When an EMP hits they will be quite literally in the dark.

On the next page, we will discuss the things you and yours will need to survive an EMP. Because yes, you can get through it but not if you do not know what to expect. Go take a look!

Next Page »


  1. Kyle Anderson said:

    Lol north Korea. Like they could ever successfully attack the US. Their people would starve before the pushed the button to launch a missile and even if they pushed the button it wouldn’t make it to Japan let alone the US

  2. John T Pedigo said:

    so very true. same with Iran, SO, when an EMP weapon is precisely detonated over one of our major cities then blamed on one of those countries, we will know it is Bullshit.

  3. Timmy Crouch said:

    I think an event like this would likely be a false flag blamed on Russia or NK

  4. Timmy Crouch said:

    I wonder if fixing sewer lines would be a priority after an event like this?

  5. Timmy Crouch said:

    Especially in the cities and close suburbs. People that live in rural areas will be better off.

  6. John T Pedigo said:

    they don’t have satellites with that capability just yet. we are getting close.

  7. Danny Boling said:

    Quite possibly the most intelligent thing I’ve read today….give this one a cigar and an at a boy..

  8. Chad Green said:

    Emp only knocks out electronics unless used in leu of a nuclear bomb! Duh

  9. Mitch Swales said:

    Come on genius, any of hundreds of hand tools. Think back 200 years.

  10. Charles Kimble said:

    North Korea has the tech. The issue with ICBM isn’t distance, it’s re-entry.
    If you want the nuke to detonate in the atmosphere (where EMP attack is necessary) then they already have that solved.
    They are currently working on the re-entry problem their missiles face

  11. John T Pedigo said:

    While NATO has absolutely mastered it they are novices so the chances are if anything happens over one of our City’s it will be our own government

  12. Lissette Gray said:

    So during a nuclear war, we can use these tools outside while being exposed to radiation? You can’t eat metal, nor does it provide shelter or cure us, so these are the survival tools to continue the existence of mankind. Another stupid article.

  13. John T Pedigo said:

    The point is, it won’t be North Korea or Iran that does this, it will be our own military.

  14. John T Pedigo said:

    I’m starting to believe definitivly that the International Space Station is filmed in a Hollywood studio.

  15. Carissa Torres said:

    David Torres What do u think of this list? (I’m thinking u prob have all of these already…)

  16. John T Pedigo said:

    the more they talk about it, the more likely it is a warning to us because they believe if they tell us about it beforehand, they do not sin against us.

  17. James Neill said:

    I think the tools a person needs to survive should be based on their own individual capabilities. Some people are more dangerous to themselves with tools but may be able to trade their skills for help. I do agree we should all have basic knowledge in a lot of areas. What good is a pipe wrench to a doctor. Thats what communities are for.

  18. Shawn Burdette said:

    They would still be screwed, with no Google or YouTube to teach them how to use it.

  19. Roger Loudon said:

    A pipe wrench?
    A piece of pipe to repair plumbing?
    For part of a survival kit?
    Someone is smoking locoweed!

  20. D.B. Cooper said:

    Funny Iran is starved but have been the leaders in terrorism for how long? Yet they are still a problem……
    By your logic they should not be a problem…. Yet they are? You contradict yourself

  21. D.B. Cooper said:

    An employee can be created by any major explosive, mainly nuclear attacks is what this article is talking about, so I’m assuming it is implying nuclear capable countries………
    Go take your tinfoil hat somewhere else


