It’s Possible to Survive an EMP With These 10 Powerful Powerless Tools!

shovel in soil

What will you need when an EMP strikes? Check out the items below. If you do not have these then you may want to think about getting them – and fairly quickly!


1 – Shovel
Shovels are an extremely useful survival tool after an EMP – not only can you use them for planting a survival garden, digging a shelter and hiding your valuables, but you can also use them as a defense weapon against your enemies.

2 – Pipe Wrench
One of the worst things to have to deal with after an EMP is a sewage problem. Thankfully, with a pipe wrench you’ll be able to repair your sewage system and prevent any unwanted issues.

3 – Screwdriver
When SHTF and the grid is down, you’ll still need to keep up with repairs – and that means you’ll need to go old-school with a handy dandy screwdriver. Make sure to stock up on a few of these, as well as a variety of screws for any situation.

4 – Hammer
A hammer is another efficient powerless tool that you’ll need in a crisis. With a hammer and nails you can construct a bug out shelter, make repairs on your home, or even defend yourself from attackers if you need to.

5 – Battery Tester
Let’s face it – most of our bug out gear nowadays requires batteries to operate. And after an EMP, you can bet that batteries will become incredibly scarce. My advice? Stock up now, and get yourself a battery tester.

This can be a huge time saver, since even one dead battery can cause a perfectly good electronic device to not work. Testing out your stash will help you get a good idea of how many “live” batteries you have, and how many you need to chuck out.

6 – Air Pump
The beauty of bicycles is that they require zero electricity to run, making them an ideal transportation option in an EMP. Keep an air pump handy to keep your bike running smoothly.

7 – Cross-Cut Saw
Cross-cut saws are an essential survival tool for cutting down trees – in fact, they’re much more efficient than the typical handsaws you might have seen in survival kits. Use this saw to help you make firewood and/or build a shelter on your next bug out trip.

8 – Steel Pipe
Steel pipes are easily strong enough to make for effective weapons in self-defense. You can also cap off the end and store small items in the pipe, or you can replace an existing pipe in your home.

9 – Hacksaw
Hacksaws are effective for cutting into wood (or bone if you’re really in an emergency). The blades can also be used for striking ferro rods in order to start a fire.

10 – Hand Drill
Hand drills are often forgotten due to their electronic counterparts; however, these are still crucial to have in an EMP. With a manual hand drill you can still complete many DIY metal and wood projects, making them a perfect solution for when the grid is down.


We do not write these articles because we want to frighten the masses with what we suspect will happen. Yet, people need to know. There are dangers out there, foreign and domestic, that are happening every day. And, considering the current political climate, preparing is better done sooner than later.

If it does not happen – good for us! But if it does you will, at least, have the satisfaction of knowing that you are prepped and can go on with your life.

Source:  Survival Frog


  1. Susan Knight said:

    I print off information that I find useful and then put the pages in a binder.

  2. Susan Knight said:

    Yes it should be common sense, but there are a lot of people who don’t know how to prep or what to prep. And then, there people like myself who is just learning. Knowledge is everything. My knowledge starts with how to forage and turning plants into meds.

  3. Susan Knight said:

    That would depend on the age of the person and where they live. I know plenty of people in the city who do not own a shovel or basic tools, little do they even know how to use them.

  4. Debi Cowger said:

    sadly, most people need to not only get them but learn how to use them, before the need arises

  5. James M Running Wind said:

    1) a simple recurve long bow ~ 45-50 lb draw, and carbon fiber arrows 31″ long.
    2) tent / backpack
    3) sharp knife and stone
    4) firestarter tool
    5) water filter materials.

  6. Jeff Ferguson said:

    For digging you’ll want a pick mattock to work with in addition to that shovel.

  7. Rob Dilligaf Arthur said:

    Anything with an electronic ignition will be worthless, better learn to set points. Old school FTW

  8. Anonymous said:

    This is another click bait post every two sentences require a click .

  9. Connie Gallman said:

    Truthfully, I don’t think much about an EMP, as much as I do storms, or evil ones across the sea.. All of the items on the list I do have and use already.. Some people are lucky enough to have chicken tractors.. 😉 But I collect long & short steel pipes, every chance I get.. I’ve used them to move dog kennels, 10x 10 chicken cages, and 10 x 10 storage buildings.. Along with the help of a Johnson bar!! (every woman needs one of those things too).. Now to go not so far off topic, August 21st we will have a full solar eclipse, from Oregon to South Carolina, it will only last about 2 minutes, but imagine the freakishness that could happen when cell phones quit working for 2 minutes, or maybe traffic jams, from those same textors when the sky starts turning dark.. (thinking they would already know its going to happen) And normal traffic jams will still happen with or without a solar eclipse..

  10. James Martin said:

    hey$#%&!@*If you wanna help someone do it,but quit trying to sell me free info.scumbag.

  11. Robert Sickler said:

    What a crock of crap … a pipe wrench to fix your sewer pipes. It is obvious that the person who wrote this knows nothing about the subject.

  12. Frey Njordson said:

    Who needs electricity anyway?

    (Said this guy on a “smart” phone.) Guess I’m a little bit of a hippocrit.


