Survival articles

Effective Mosquito Repellent You Can Make Yourself

It is a universal truism that no one likes mosquitoes. The only exception would be for those who study them for science. They cause irritating and itchy welts and in some cases can carry deadly diseases. At the same time, virtually no one likes commercial mosquito / insect repellent. Sure, companies have tried to cover up the

Tips For Preventing And Treating Frostbite

If you are faced with a bug-out or survival moment in a cold weather environment, one of the most pronounced dangers is exposure to the elements. While hypothermia is the one thing you must always be alert and prepared for, extreme cold can bring another, potentially as dangerous threat: Frostbite. Frostbite is the term for

Self Sufficiency Skills That Can Save Your Wallet

As survivalists, we have learned and acquired skills to keep ourselves going in the event of a disaster. We know it will take time for life to return back to what we once knew it to be, if it ever does at all. But, with all that preparation comes some hefty expenses. It’s important to have cash

Survival Self Defense: Alternate Methods of Hand to Hand Combat

There are many ways to defend yourself and many different types of self-defense methods. What you need to know will depend on the situation you’re facing. In some scenarios, the “take-no-prisoners” approach may be necessary and you’ll eliminate the enemy if attacked. Others are more passive and put an emphasis on avoiding a violent confrontation or

Bug In vs. Bug Out: Which Is Best For You?

The question of whether to “bug-out” or “bug-in” is a question many of us have pondered and debated. While there is no right answer, there are decidedly wrong approaches. Bug-in too long in a hurricane, for example, and you can end up in a irreversible, life threatening situation. Bug-out too late and you can end up stranded

Would You Live In This Underground Survival Shelter?

Regardless of where you live or your politics, or how much money you have, more and more people are looking for survival alternatives. Even the US federal government has advised all of us to at least prepare for a medium-term emergency. The threat of everything from terrorism to EMP’s to economic collapse to civil unrest

How To Keep Cool During A Summer Power Outage

Many of us tend to think we’re prepared for the upcoming Summer months. We’ve uncovered the AC, cleaned it, oiled it changed the air filters and given it a test run. Then during the hottest days of the year – when we need relief most – there is a power outage! And another. And another. Yes, it’s unfair, but

5 Survival Scenarios You Forgot To Plan For….

An old military maxim says that the best battle plan becomes obsolete the moment the first shot of the battle goes off. This is because chaos breeds unpredictability. The book Jurassic Park was based on the Chaos Theory, that random events breed even more random events. The same applies to survival situations, doomsday scenarios and SHTF

Make This Moth Repellent Sachet For Your Bug-Out-Bag

As far as natural fibers go, wool is one of the most versatile and durable. It breathes more easily than cotton, is lightweight, an excellent insulator, draws moisture away from the skin and sheds moisture more easily than most other textiles. Depending on the type of wool, it can repel odors and in humid weather,

The Survival 3’s: Know Them, Learn Them, Survive Them

Just about everyone involved in survival preparation knows about the rule of three. In a survival situation, you cannot survive for more than three minutes with no air, hours with no shelter, days without water and weeks without food. This is a bit dependent on environment. You could and likely would survive more than three
