Self Sufficiency Skills That Can Save Your Wallet

As survivalists, we have learned and acquired skills to keep ourselves going in the event of a disaster. We know it will take time for life to return back to what we once knew it to be, if it ever does at all. But, with all that preparation comes some hefty expenses.

It’s important to have cash when the grid goes down – there is no arguing with that. Keeping a stash hidden away, when supermarket prices sky rocket due to price gouging, is smart. Yet, how can you do that if prepping becomes too expensive to save the money you will need in case of an emergency?

It’s all going to comes down to research, finding out what works best for you, and in the process learning the skills that will save you money as well as prep you in times of adversity.

Go on over to page two and read some cost saving self-sufficiency tricks that will help you in the future, with both survival planning and your budget.

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