If you are a prepared survivalist, you undoubtedly have a survival cache, your supplies stockpile, and a Bug-Out-Bag. One item you may have overlooked is the short term Get-Home-Bag. A Get-Home-Bag is not nearly as robust as a Bug-Out-Bag and only covers the bare essentials to make it from where you are to your home…
When Stranded During a Collapse, These 12 Items in a Truck Could Save the Day:
We’ve been talking to our brother lately via text about Yellowstone National Park, current earthquake activity, and the fact he lives in the Northwest, fairly close to where the action will be should the volcano decide to blow. We reminded him that he is in the “ash zone” but he says he’s ready. He is…
Must Have Survival Items for the Next Weather Disaster
If you grew up or live along the East Coast, you know that chances are better than even that you will experience some sort of weather event that disrupts power for more than a few hours. It could be a hurricane or tornado, blizzard or Nor’easter; pretty much every season has the potential to throw…
9 Things We Should NEVER Throw Away
“We live in a throw-away society.”. That is not just a phrase, something catchy to start a conversation with, but a reality. Think about iPhones. One moment an owner proudly has the latest then in a year or two, when it has been upgraded, that same person who once had the cell phone of his…
(Video) Camping Inventions We Just Have to Own Someday
We get the meaning of camping out, being at one with the great outdoors, surviving and training. However, we are firm believers that it does not needs to be entirely uncomfortable. If technology and new inventions for the those of us that like to camp-out make it a little easier — we say go for…
It’s Possible to Prepare for Survival on $5 a Week! Here’s How to Make it Happen:
One of the greatest challenges to sustained preparation for a survival crisis is cost. This reality drives a lot of people who could prepare some to not prepare at all. Undertaking stockpiling enough food for a year (or even a few weeks) is daunting, overwhelming and can be very expensive. That is understandable, but not…
Inexpensive Survival Items that Should be Stocked Now!
One of the most common reasons given for lack of preparation for a survival situation is the cost of survival supplies and equipment. While with some stuff, you get what you pay for, with many, the prospect of shelling out thousands of dollars for survival preparation is beyond what they can afford. Fortunately, though, by…
How to Effectively Make Cement and Concrete for Survival Tasks
We love wood, it’s warm and expressive, and if you have a small parcel of land in the middle of the wilderness you might be relying on it. However, some preppers want to build with a material that is a bit more permanent. So, they decide on cement or concrete because when the SHTF their…
Must Haves for the Next Time the Power Goes Out
Losing power during or after a storm is more than an inconvenience. It can literally be life altering! When you think of everything that you rely upon that is rendered useless when the power goes out as well as what you have to do to protect stuff like refrigerated and frozen food, you begin to…
Everything There is to Know About Storing Fuel for the Future
When prepping and storing supplies, it’s important to remember to include everything you’ll need to ensure an item works. For example, including a generator without gas is just like packing a rifle but forgetting the ammunition. For a generator to be useful to you after a collapse, you need to have a plan in place…
The 10 Best Survival Foods to Stock Up On Are Not What Many Would Expect
We were talking to a friend recently whose young son, around eight years old, had gone on a “food strike.” It seems he decided after years of eating meatloaf that he did not like it. He absolutely refuses to allow it into his mouth. We found this amusing in a sense. While the boy is…
12 Life Saving Items Always Have in a Truck. #12 is a Necessity!
Let’s say you are away from home, in your truck, and a disaster strikes. It does not necessarily have to be “the end of days”. Maybe more localized like an earthquake, flood, or a tornado. The point is, you are cut-off from home and will need to survive a while on what you have…
Emergency Bags Preppers Should Consider Buying
No matter what type of survival scenario you are preparing for, chances are better than even that you have some sort or several some sorts of bags to aid you. Bags just make things easier across the board – to store, organize and transport the stuff you need to make sure you can address whatever…
Survival How-To: Safe Long-Term Fuel Storage
Dependency on combustible fuels is something every serious prepper must address. Ideally, your bug-out plan will lead you to a situation where you can afford to drastically limit your reliance on all fuels, but post-catastrophe fuel-budgeting is a topic for another time. For now, let’s assume that there are two main types of fuel storage…
(Video) How to Properly Build Out a Field Bag
If you were planning a hike in the woods, you would not start the trek without some essential items that you know you would need along the way. Those items might be water, food, sunscreen, maybe sunglasses and a hat – stuff you would use on virtually any trip that involved you venturing out into…
(Video) Prepper Takes a Chain Saw to a Wood Log. What He Does Next? This Completely Blows My Mind!
If men and women plan on living healthy solid lives after major disaster strikes they are going to have to rethink a few things. That seems logical to those of us who are currently in the process of prepping for any chaos situation that might come our way. However, when you think about some people,…
Paracord to the Rescue – How it Can Save the Day
Just about all of us have in our possession and have used paracord; if you camp, hike, fish or hunt, chances are you have used it for one purpose or another extensively. In fact, whether you are preparing for a disaster or venturing off the beaten trail, paracord is possibly one of the most versatile…
Deciding Whether Hoarding Survival Items Is a Wise Idea
Generally, when people mention “hoarding,” a less than positive image comes to mind. In a survival setting, however, hoarding is not only permitted, it is encouraged. Ok, not actually hoarding in the “she was found crushed to death under a stack of newspapers dating back to the ’70’s”; that is not good. But hoarding survival…
Plastic Sheeting and Why it is a Must for a Survival Cache
Plastic sheeting is one of the most versatile “survival” materials on the earth. It has applications in construction and gardening but is also used to protect things from the elements and in a pinch, can be used to capture heat, collect water, bind things and even as insulation in walls. As you prepare for whatever…
How to Cleverly Camouflage a Hidden Floor Safe
Just about all of us have valuables or other items we would not want to sacrifice to looters or thieves if we can help it. There are many options to ensuring you can safeguard these items, but almost every type of safe or secured cabinet or closet has inherent weak spots that make it vulnerable…