Survival Mentality articles


Green Beret Offers an Excellent Guide to Home Defense Techniques

Green Beret Offers an Excellent Guide to Home Defense Techniques

When we were a child, there was a fascinating movie released – in the early 1970s – starring Robert Redford. The movie was Jeremiah Johnson and the man was a survivalist of sorts who sought revenge against men who did him wrong. Besides beautiful scenery and depicting the world of over one hundred years ago,


3 Fatal Errors to Avoid When Bugging In

Interestingly, we spoke to a friend recently and was never more aware of naivety when it comes to a SHTF scenario. She, a well-educated and what I thought was a worldly woman, said she thought if a situation like the grid going down occurred that people will come together in a community and help one another


(Video) The 10 Dumbest Ways to Die a Person Must Avoid

Death is a highly emotional experience and in some cases a tragic experience. It’s sadder for the survivors than those who are deceased. After all, after you’re gone, all of your troubles are over for the most part. So don’t put your family through the possibility of losing you over something stupid. It’s best to
