Homesteading / Self Sufficiency articles


After WWII, This Japanese Soldier Survived in the Jungle for 30 Years

After WWII, This Japanese Soldier Survived in the Jungle for 30 Years

It’s great to hear old war stories of heroes in the past. It’s also great to hear their tales of survival and unshakable hope as they bravely fought for their country. The fact that many soldiers were able to survive for so long in the harshest conditions in a land unknown is amazing. In today’s


This Well-Known Company is Going to Sell Solar Roof Shingles. Will They be the Ultimate Off Grid Power Solution?

Too often, the debate on Anthropogenic climate change inserts its ugly head into common sense energy alternatives, which turns off people who could use these innovations. Saving energy or using alternative energy to fossil fuels might save the planet – but either certainly helps the pocketbook. The critique on alternative energy sources has usually been
