After Doomsday a Prepper Will Eventually Run Out of Ammo. Here’s How to Make Gunpowder the Old Fashioned Way.


SHTF normally mainly focuses on short-term survival situations where after you're done feeling shocked, it's usually only days or hours before the before the situation is over.

However, not all collapses are temporary. How can a prepper know for certain that when the collapse takes place that it isn't permanent? You never know, a man-made or natural disaster could wipe out everything except for the people who have survived it thanks to their sturdy bunkers.

The potential of a long-term bug out situation is why preppers believe it's so important to understand the skills on how to make essential items such as weapons and specifically, gunpowder.

If a prepper is wise, they will have already been stocking up food to last them a while, however, when it's all used it they will need weapons to help them catch food. When ammunition is gone it's important to know how to make more of it.

On the next page, check out step-by-step instructions on how to make gunpowder for a long-term SHTF situation and add this essential skill to your survival expertise. 

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Featured Image via Wikipedia


  1. Nick Gunther said:

    What about if we get hit with an emp and it destroys your electronics? Poof there goes your Wikipedia knowledge.

  2. Fred Heany said:

    umm guess you don’t know what a faraday cage is Nick Gunther

  3. Al Switzer said:

    The peppers I know won’t run out of ammo, they are preppers!

  4. Jason Hardwick said:

    Whose going to carry that much ammunition? 2000 rounds is pretty fucking heavy when you consider everything else you need to carry

  5. Lester Mount said:

    I know how to make gun powder and load bullets but you have to have the materials it is easier to buy thousands of rounds of ammo

  6. Grant Hansen said:

    So, you just made gunpowder. YAY!

    Now all you need are primers, bullets and a reloading press.

  7. Seraphim McCune said:

    Remember, you’re going to run out of primers, too. Learning to use real black powder (FFFg or FFFFg) in a flintlock with a chert instead of a flint is your only option if you think SHTF is going to be permanent.

  8. Matt Comer said:

    f**k you guys, I’m saving all of the porn. I know what’s important.

  9. Tom Orlando said:

    Gunpowder is not what a prepper wants to use, too much smoke. What you want is gun cotton, which is different and smokeless.

  10. Mike Norman said:

    My number one plan is to keep as low a profile as possible. Hopefully I won’t have to burn through my stockpile. This is a good trade item to know too.

  11. Mike Norman said:

    Daniel McCarron people will die out faster then nature will. Most Americans don’t know how to hunt or basic first aid. Half would starve to death by the first winter.

  12. Anonymous said:

    I a very dire situation, people not from your “tribe” are competition for meager resources.

  13. Joseph Pecorino said:

    Earnest, the Hawken is more like your air rifle than an AR-15. I got the point you were making, but that was a terrible example.

  14. Joseph Pecorino said:

    The key there, Billyray, is trading. If you have a dentist or doctor in your group and they don’t, it’s pretty easy to work out trades for services or resources. Same thing with mechanics, plumbers, electricians, primitive skills instructors, cobblers (or anyone who can make moccasins or boots), it’s a great big list.

    And yes, electricity would be in high demand in that scenario, anyone with a little knowhow can hook a car alternator up to a windmill or waterwheel and use it to charge a bank of car batteries with an inverter to run a water heater, microwave, heater, minifridge, etc. In times like that building codes fall away and you do what you can using basic principles.

  15. Matthew Green said:

    It’s easy . Find a person that posts their gun collection online . Wait till they go to work and steal all their stuff.

  16. Brandon Tillery said:

    Let’s just say if SHTF, you’re not going to be running out of ammo if you’re a survivalist. And properly prepped, you’ll most likely disengage from conflict. Taking on 10 raiders or warlord thugs is going to be the only true reasoning and if they don’t know you exist… Well keep it that way.

  17. Richard Figueroa said:

    I survived 3 years in the woods with no ammo,if you depend on just ammo to survive save the last bullet for

  18. Cory Walters said:

    Truth is you will never run out if you shoot people and take theirs. Thats what it will come down to in a total collapse. How long do you think your neighbor is going to be cool while he and his kids are starving and you and yours eating.

    • Robert Szacik said:

      When I hunt, I eat what I kill. In a SHTF situation, that would include hostile people.

  19. Robert Carrasco said:

    Don’t let anybody for you. And this is such an easy process people should make their own ammunition all the time

  20. Dave Moore said:

    Carry a hatchet, and don’t shoot people that you don’t need to…..

  21. Syed K Hussain said:

    Federal Judge Ronnie Abrams has ordered the hearing for 16 December in a New York court. She has asked for both sides to provide information to assist the Court in advancing the case to settlement or trial.

  22. Cory Walters said:

    Yeah, with this hurricane that just hit us. There was no canned goods. No water and no gas within hours. It wont take long for$#%&!@*to get out of hand.

  23. Syed K Hussain said:

    Dave Moore The struggling GOP nominee is urging supporters to fight the system, and officials nationwide are fuming over it.

  24. Michael Grossberg said:

    The materials needed to make black powder may not always be available, and modern semi or full auto weapons won’t function using it(BP is a low grade explosive, rather than a high power propellant, like smokeless nitro powder) . Learn how to make and use archery gear(bows, arrows); THAT’S survival equipment

  25. Marc Black said:

    If you run out of steel pellets for your ammo, you can always melt down aluminum soda cans, or what ever you can find on hand.

  26. Bo Sephus said:

    Or better yet learn to survive without it. Once this is accomplished and you feel good enough about it your firearm will be the absolute last resort. Literally leaving you with ampl of ammo.

  27. Adam Rohrbach said:

    Learn to trap no need for a gun . Well other than protecting yourself.

  28. Rob Hernandez said:

    my plan B is that enough liberals buy lots and lots of ammo so that I can pull their ear and take it away from them.

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