Learn How to Make Gunpowder the Old Fashioned Way

gun powder and bullets

In a prolonged survival situation, gunpowder could very well be the difference between eating meat and gaining valuable protein or doing without. However, it's up to you to find the correct ingredients to make the gunpowder you need to survive.

In an apocalyptic scenario however, making black powder is the easy part. What would be really challenging is attaining these ingredients in the first place. Charcoal would be the easiest, since it’s fairly easy to make on your own. Willow, soft pine, western cedar, and cottonwood trees are most commonly used for making black powder.

Sulfur is bit trickier. Depending on where you live, you may or may not be able to get a hold of it in a grid down scenario. Fortunately black powder can still be made without sulfur. Simply mix the potassium nitrate and charcoal together with a 80/20 ratio. It won’t burn as well, but it will still work. Sulfur can also be substituted with iron-oxide (rust).

After the break, learn how you can find potassium nitrate and how it was traditionally made back in the day. This could be the key to creating the gunpowder you'll need when SHTF!

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  3. Doug Dickey said:

    By the time you make potassium nitrate your screwed anyway not worth the trouble

    • Nancy said:

      Start making it long before you need it

  4. Bill said:

    Useless without Primers.


