Zombies Would Easy to Take Out Compared to These 7 Ways to Die in a Survival Situation!


In a dire survival situation, where basic infrastructure most of us take for granted has totally collapsed, a lot of stuff that is benign in a normal world will become deadly.

Here are seven examples.


As various strains of bacteria become immune to these treatments, we’re rapidly approaching a post-antibiotic world that looks an awful lot like the old world. If society collapses then these souped up diseases are going to be unleashed without any inhibitions. Tuberculosis, staph, typhoid, strep throat, MRSA, and E. Coli will become all too common.

Water-Related Illness

Without running water, people will be forces to leave their waste in their immediate environment, where it will likely mingle with local water sources. This among other unsanitary conditions can cause a whole host of water-borne diseases including gastroenteritis, Hepatitis A, intestinal parasites, Diphtheria, cholera, typhoid, and even polio.

Mosquitoes and Rats

It takes all the might of modern civilization just to keep certain pests in check. But when the garbage trucks stop showing up and the swimming pools turn green, you can bet that the rats and mosquitoes will proliferate like crazy. And they’ll be carrying diseases that are the stuff of nightmares. Rats will carry the hantavirus, leptospirosis, salmonellosis, and the plague; and in North America, mosquitoes will most likely be carrying dengue fever.

Cold Weather

Between the lack of sunlight, people crowding indoors, and the poor circulation caused by cold weather, there will be more cases of strep throat, pneumonia, croup, bronchiolitis, ear infections, and the stomach flu. To prepare for this, understand that hospitals and medical care may not be available (or too dangerous to get to).


In a roundabout way, malnutrition would probably be the leading cause of disease after the SHTF. That’s because your diet is tightly linked to the quality of your immune system, so if you’re not getting enough calories, protein, vitamins or minerals, you’re more susceptible to every ailment under the sun. However, malnutrition is most associated with conditions like scurvy, rickets, pellagra, goiters, and beriberi.


Dead bodies, especially the kind that were infected with disease to begin with, pose a serious health threat. Without a functioning society, and with bodies piling up faster than they can be buried or cremated, these cadavers would litter our towns and cities, and would most likely pose a serious threat to local water supplies.


Overshadowing many of these medical ailments will be disease. In fact, many believe that disease would be the real killer if the world fell apart and would dwarf the number of casualties caused by violence. Diseases are opportunists and tend to surface at a time the conditions are right for them to flourish.

Let's face it: Fighting zombies has a certain allure; it requires bravery and weapons and epic battles to the death!

Dying of dysentery or a water-borne parasite or starving to death is just not as sexy.

But it is a grim reality in a survival environment where everything we know as “normal” falls apart and we are reduced to the age when life expectancy for most humans was under 60 years of age.

To learn more about what boring things can kill you in a drastic survival environment, check out Ready Nutrition.


  1. Crystal Ford said:

    If zombies don’t exist then why does the military have a zombie plan?!?!?

  2. Brian Whitehed said:

    No one ever talks about how nasty the smell would be. All that Mobile rotting, breathing, eating, defecating bags of rotten meat. The winds have got to smell of complete atrocities.


