You’re Stuck in a Fast River Current. Here’s How to Survive It.

River in Jordan

One of the most frightening things that can happen to a camper or rafter is falling or being tossed into the lake water and being caught by the current! You may feel you have no control but here are two steps that just might save your life!

1. The method experts recommend most is going down on your back, with your feet pointed downstream, and your head positioned upstream. This way, your head is protected and your legs will take any of the damage from rocks and debris. The top half of your feet should be poking out of the water and your head should be above water as well. Look downstream and keep calm, breathe with the flow of the water, to keep from swallowing too much water. When you comeup on a calmer area, flip over and swim diagonally toward shore, with the flow of the current.

2. The other less popular method is to swim on your stomach, head-first downstream. It is easier to control your direction this way, but your head is vulnerable to impact with rocks and branches. Remain calm, breathe with the flow of the water and look for a protected spot where the water is moving more slowly so you can make it to shore.

Also important is know what to do when you cross a river, how to get across without incident. Go to The Active Times and read up on these important safety tips before your next campout!

Just remember, it’s important to know that many rivers are fed by melting ice and snow from higher elevations so the temperature of the water could send you into hypothermia! Is there any wonder why there are so many water fatalities for otherwise excellent swimmers?


