You’re Bugging Out and Just Encountered a Mountain Lion. Here’s What You Should Never Do…

mountain lion on rock

Mountain lions are some of the most feared animals in the United States for a reason. Even though these animals are misunderstood by many, they are still dangerous enough to where they warrant lots of respect.

The chances of a prepper coming across a mountain lion are slim to none since they tend to be reclusive animals that are fearful of humans, but that doesn't mean they won't attack.

Even though being attacked by a mountain lion is unlikely, getting attacked by one can be prevented if you learn ahead of time what you should and shouldn't do if you should encounter one. Follow these tips and you'll have a better chance of surviving if one ever threatened to attack you.

After the break find out what you should and most importantly shouldn't do if you were ever to encounter a mountain lion while bugging out. 

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  1. Al Bonci said:

    You never turn your back then it’s chase instinct kicks in back up slowly if anything

  2. Morgan Simpson said:

    Since I am always armed and since I have been a hunter my whole life, I would kill it, field dress it and then pack it up. Then process it (cook & smoke meat) as soon as possible. Cougar meat is actually very good.

  3. Bobby Boothe said:

    I killed one with my bowie just yesterday, that may have been on red dead redemption though, it all blurs in my memory, it was probably real life.

  4. Miles Pinon said:

    Get your Swiss Army knife out and fight it blade to paw, if you win, you keep It’s pelt as a trophy/clothing piece for winter, if the mountain lion wins, well, he’ll kill you and eat you.

  5. Greg Ertl said:

    I’d shoot it with my crossbow and eat it. Then I would use its skin to make a SHTF crazy cool fur kilt, and I’d rock that$#%&!@*like a friggin champion.

  6. Basil Harris said:

    I’d use a laser pointer to make it run back and forth till it tired.

  7. Graham Lopez said:

    step one on how to survive, kill the cat using your gun that you brought because youre smart

  8. Stephen E Lindsey said:

    They are the reason I had eyes tattooed on the back of my head and on the middle of my back

  9. Colin Smith said:

    Charge it with your D in your hand whilst spinning it like a helicopter!

  10. Michael Shane Hall said:

    Shoot it and make jerky tan the hide. If it’s bug out time you’re gonna need all the meat you can get.

  11. Ernest Levesque said:

    Ok for one it is a bug out SHTF you are in which means more than one in your group may for the first time be further in the wild than they have ever been in there lives. Second you are now going to be there for longer than a weekend and just chasing it off will not work. You will most likely have to kill it YES I said kill it you are now in a you or me SHTF and those that can’t make that choice are already dead so just stay home.

  12. Craig Elliott said:

    Exactly kill it, eat it, the wear it so anyone you come across knows lol

  13. Bobby Boothe said:

    They move fast, if they ambushed you, you had better have the bow cocked or it wont be much use at all.

  14. Jason Sapp said:

    I would attack and rape it..then eat it…just like all predatory creatures that are unlikely to cross my path

  15. Timothy JR William said:

    In a shtf situation if defiantly kill it and eat it. Fur would be my blanket on cold night

  16. Kevin Martina said:

    Make eye will most likely try to sell you leek and mead..provided you have the coin..

  17. Mi Ke Ble Vins said:

    Bull, you ain’t tough unless you beat it into submission and it voluntarily let’s you wear it……ALIVE. THAT’S TOUGH!

  18. Rick Braaten said:

    I’ll click once maybe twice but your a$#%&!@*to make someone click on more than two pages .

  19. Anonymous said:

    One time when I was panning for gold I was alone and I was bent over at the river one came up behind me I just had a feeling something was there I just jump into the Rapids went down river came back it was gone But if I have to stay there in a bug out situation I would kill it no problem

  20. Lisa Gunter said:

    Just never look one in the eyes…they will take that as a challenge.


