You’ll Never Guess What You Can Use as Fire Tinder Suggested by ‘The Fat Guys’

chips as tinder

Check it out! Who knew you could find tinder for your campfire from such an unusual source! This could be the fad of the year for preppers, survivalist and homesteaders!

We sincerely like the idea of using corn chips as tinder! The fact they come in an air-tight bag and are not exposed to the elements is a wonderful perk. Also, the idea that a large bag could make a terrific all-night fire is comforting.

We only have one question. Can we bring a bag for tinder and another for a snack?


  1. Luke Handy said:

    Good thing to know, but use it sparingly of course, the calories are useful for energy.

  2. Jasen Klems said:

    Keep a small pack of Frito corn chips in your pack or make a small fire starter kit out of petroleum jelly and dryer lint form into balls and place in a small altoids can

  3. Christian Saman said:

    If you are in the woods, and you can’t find/make tinder, go ahead and die. Cus it all gies downhill from there.


