Why Used Motor Oil Makes the Best Survival Supply Now and After a Collapse

motor oil

We pretty much know where we stand when it comes to uses for motor oil. The first use is obvious: we use it to keep our vehicles going strong. And yes, it also works well for a lawn mower, but did you know there are other uses for it that we're most likely not taking advantage of it?

It's great to know that we can re-claim motor oil after it's used for its main purpose. Post-collapse if you happened to have stockpiled some motor oil to keep your vehicle running strong, you may also consider these other uses that can come in handy.

We'll cover 9 uses that are actually very clever. If you have a homestead and livestock, one of these tips, in particular, is going to save you a lot of money in the long run. We all know how much time consuming it is to keep a home, especially during a collapse. Simple uses like these will go a long way when you need them the most.

Don't believe us – head to the next page and check out several excellent uses for used motor oil.

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