Why it’s Important to Have Multiple Fuels When Putting Together SHTF Cooking Plans

old fuel cans

It’s no secret that when the grid goes down we, as a civilization, will have to make do with what we have. Being prepared is so important. You know you will need to plan and cook food your family. Part of that is making sure you have enough of fuel for cooking and other needs. Listen carefully to the advice from the prepper below:

When we lived in the desert, sunshine was not an issue and we could use a solar cooker pretty much every day. In the forest, it’s a different story. We still haven’t found the ideal location for solar cooking, and I may have to chop off extra limbs on numerous trees to allow enough sunlight into our backyard.
However, with this limitation, I’m not too worried. Those same trees are providing massive amounts of fuel for our rocket stoves, a campfire, or a fire pit. In my part of Texas, it would be a very long time before I had to worry about running out of this particular fuel type, and yet, it could happen. In a very long term power outage, the problem would be ending up with a lot of unseasoned, green wood.
In that case, I have propane tanks and stored gasoline. In a pinch, I could use the propane with a gas-powered grill and the gasoline with the Coleman stove. Of course, there are safety issues with gasoline storage as detailed here.
Here’s the bottom line — your multiple cooking methods must have multiple fuel sources, so if you run out of one, you’ll have others to rely on.

Living in Southern California, we love the idea of a solar oven. We pretty much have sunshine at least three hundred days of the year so it’s ideal. However, it’s also great to have back-ups as our expert suggests.

To learn more go over to Preparedness Advice. Wood, various fuels, and solar energy! It’s good to be alive in this day and age!


  1. Thomas Whitten said:

    Although it’s a little bit of an investment up front, propane tanks and small green bottles obtained from Walmart are the cheapest and most long lasting fuel you can use for cooking. There is an adapter, often sold at Walmart but can be purchased online, that will refill the green canisters from the larger propane tanks. I don’t know how long it takes for propane to go bad but I’ve used it when it was years old.


