Why Building an Earthship House May or May Not be a Good Idea


An Earthship house may sound like something you can get behind but there are things you need to know, on both the positive and negative side, that will either motivate you to move on with the project or stand back and consider it further. Either way, building a home is not something to be taken lightly.

The biggest benefit you will get from using an Earthship design revolves around the fact that these buildings are being successfully deployed in every area of the world.They have also been built in hot climates, cold ones, wet, dry, and just about every other place you can imagine.
Even though modern architects do not say much about this design, there is plenty of advice available from the founding architect as well as homeowners that have built Earthships on their own. Therefore, even if you run into problems, chances are someone else has grappled with the same issue and come up with a solution that can be duplicated.
Unlike many other structures designed for survival or environmental conservation, most everything used in building an Earthship home comes from the junk yard. You will only need a few wooden beams, and then fill in the walls with mud, cement, old tires and tin cans.
The entire structure is designed to be heated and cooled without using conventional heating systems, which will reduce energy costs to low or non-existent. Interestingly enough, as time goes by, the structure will actually become more efficient and provide more stable temperatures.

When you first look at pictures of Earthship homes, they may not seem that complicated or expensive to build. Among other things, aluminum cans and old tires can be saved up or bought for a very low price. Cement and wood can also be purchased and set aside for years if that is what it takes to build up enough materials to build up a decent sized structure.
Most people that built Earthship homes were surprised to find that it cost between $100,000 and $150,000 from start to finish.
There is no question that Earthship designs are ideal when it comes to saving energy and money. Unfortunately, they may not be ideal for survival situations in which contaminated air play a major role in the crisis.
This includes nuclear and biowarfare attacks as well as volcanic explosions that release millions of pounds of very fine ash into the air. Unfortunately, even if you use air filters on incoming air vents, it will impede air flow, which will make it much harder and more expensive to achieve passive heating and cooling.

In other words, an Earthship home appears a good, strong structure but possibly not idea for survivalist living, especially after the grid goes down. We can’t help think there can be modifications made to aid in the matter but at what cost? Still, a one hundred and fifty thousand dollar home, while not cheap, is still far less than any home you will find in states like California, Florida and New York!

To read more about Earthships go to Survivopedia. Personally, we like the sound of it but still have questions. Yet, a home is a home and if it is environmentally sound, that is a step in the right direction.


  1. Clay Reed said:

    Interesting points; seems well thought out–stuff I’ve read indicates they are pretty durable, but I’ve not worked with one up close and personal…

  2. Suzanne Behrens said:

    Hillary is a part of a political globalest special interest organization that has chosen the most evil religion Islam to bring in a new world order and to take away the second amendment ,freedom of speech and Christianity. Hillary and Obama are letting Isis win to bring in a new world order. Putin is right we are arming Isis to bring in a new world order. Revelation 13.Hillary is a guaranteed failure. When I was younger I had a great vision of the Lord Jesus Christ blood going through my skin into my wrist. Jesus was wearing a heavenly blue garment and holding my hand and then I saw a sprinkle of the Lord Jesus Christ blood going through my skin into my wrist. Hebrews 12:22-28,Heavenly Jerusalem, Acts 2:17-21.1611KJV.Matthew 24,Heaven and earth shall pass away but by no means shall my word pass away. Hillary is setting us up just like the 9-11 victims. Trump will be bringing back the jobs that are disappearing. Wikileaks prove that Hillary was a part of a arms deal to sell Isis weapons that she was paid off to do just like the 5 million that she plans to bring into America to disable Americans to bring in a new world order. Go on you tube and listen to Wikileaks : Hillary Lied Under Oath About Arming Isis, subscriber Lionel Nation a attorney at Law and he says the media does not care about reporting about how dangerous Hillary and Obama are. This is a sign of the rapture or blessed hope that Jesus Christ Prophesied. Epistle of John. Experts are saying out of 86 videos only 1 video shows airplane and a chemical called thermite was found in the dust by over 9 scientists that is only found in demolition projects that are wired and bomb to fall straight down within seconds. 9-11 experts are saying a crime was committed by quickly removing and destroying great evidence, and this is suppose to never happen in a criminal investigation. Three weeks before it happened when it was close they where doing work in there when it is closed a witness described what they where bringing in and it sounds like these scientists are correct who investigated 9-11 properly.9-11 experts are saying a commercial airliner would not be able to be going at that speed because of the low atmosphere level and would not be able to hit the target and also weak parts of the plane like the wings or tail would fall off it . Scientists are saying that only thermite can melt the steel frame which was flowing like lava and the perfect way all three buildings fell in 7 seconds prove that all where wired up with thermite according to the experts. The 3rd World Trade Center tower had nothing and the steel frame melt when that is not possible unless it was wired up with thermite and it was a demolition which means all of them where.It collapsed 7 hours after the first two in a matter of seconds the experts are saying this is clearly evidence all three where wired up with thermite. According to the experts it would only take 7 minutes to make a 3 D Hexagram airplane added to the video of the towers, this is how far technology has gone. Airport records show that flight 11 and 77 where never scheduled to leave that day and never left the gates.Flight 77 never left the runway the people were on flight 93.9-11 researchers have evidence that flight 175 and 93 ,through the freedom of information act ,that radar shows them going to Cleveland Hopkins Airport that was evacuated. Flight 175 became Flight 1289 and Flight 93 both landed at the Cleveland Airport! They also found out Mark Bingham died on 8/30/2001.Researchers have found that some have death certificates and some do not.

  3. Lynn Moore said:

    As in most things, there are the good, the bad and the ugly. IMHO what we do need to do is: stop building McMansions; everyone should raise at least a small garden, everyone should compost; and everyone should quit believing that he who dies with the most toys wins. Going back to some old ways, i.e. collecting rain water–be it a barrel or a cisturn–recycling and re-purposing…all doable and help us be more self sufficient. Plus a whole lot healthier. Sorry, getting off the soap box now.


