Why a Second American Civil War May Be Inevitable

people rioting

Is the USA headed towards a new “civil war?” Are we there already?

That depends on your definition of “war.” If a war means two political jabbering heads hurling pejoratives at each other on TV, then yes, we are at war.

If political battles waged at the ballot box, where each election is “the most important ever” is war, then we probably are at war.

If war is a cultural struggle, then we have been in a Civil War for decades. But none of that includes the cruelty and carnage of the original US Civil War.

So are we in a new type of Civil War?

Or is it an over-used phrase employed by those with no perspective of the horrors of Shiloh, Antietam or Gettysburg?

Is it an epic battle for right or left supremacy, or an indicator of a lack of a sense of history or self-awareness?

We debate that on the next page; check it out!

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  1. Michael Bandeko said:

    Don’t think Democrats are not armed. My daughters are Millennials, both have been trained by me and at Thunder Ranch.

  2. William Rembowski said:

    Yeah, that’s one of our planks, start violent civil war, especially in Texas because it’s so desireable. LOL

  3. William Rembowski said:

    Rose Derifield Robinson Well that isn’t exactly true. Other people have fought for everything you enjoy.

  4. Andres Miguel San Jose said:

    Well since America is always at war with some country then shouldn’t they be due to war themselves? … again…. just let them have their wars dangit!

  5. Michael Bandeko said:

    Many think our military will be on their side. The military will split about evenly between conservative and liberal. Then you have to factor in UN troops and PMC’s. It will be a bloody mess when the mercs arrive on scene. A soldier for hire does not subscribe to idealism, but fights for a paycheck.

  6. Josh Skelton said:

    Y’all spout off a out liberals like they did this to you. They are just a different point of view and if you think they are your enemy then you are well.and truly duped.
    Who benefits from the last 40 years of tax policies? Who benefits from keeping the middle class and the poor in turmoil? Who’s pockets are lined every time a job goes overseas to cheaper labor? Who has turned America into a service based economy? Who is slowly squeezing the last drops of blood from our collective stone? Answer these questions and you will find you true enemy. And it’s not these manbun wearing fidget spinner fucks.

  7. Rob Roth said:

    I call it The Cold Civil War, raging just below the surface of American life. At this point neither side thinks of themselves as “just all Americans”, that will never happen again in our lifetimes. I also think that we’re on the edge of an age of political violence and perhaps assassination, if the shooter at the congressional baseball practice was a good shot there would be a dozen dead congressmen at this point.

  8. Christopher Davis said:

    Mike Hoskinson actually who anyone votes for is no one else’s business unless said person decides to share that information, I mean you do vote right? If you did and paid attention you’d see that each voting section is made private so no one knows your business.

  9. Mike Will said:

    Americans are the largest consumers on the planet. Unlike during the civil war when exports were king.

    For that reason alone you won’t see a civil war in America.

    You may see more attacks (think IRA) but not a war.

  10. Christopher Chapel said:


  11. Robert Honts said:

    We need it but we will be attack buy others but yes it’s coming any one can see that

  12. Tommy Maynard said:

    I really don’t like snowflakes but the Civil War isn’t going to be started because of them it’s going to be started because of our government it’s our government that lets people act that way without any repercussion we don’t need to be fighting amongst ourselves we need to remind the government that they work for us we don’t work for them we do not pay them they pay us.
    Now Grant all these riots going on and protests of people who are protesting about things they really don’t even know about they just want to be there in a group definitely don’t help our situation and no matter what we do as true Americans those protest groups will always be against you no matter what you do you could even side with them they’re going to be against you so yes there’s probably going to be a big outbreak everybody be armed be prepared and take care of you and your family

  13. Russell Grubb said:

    Oversized military? Lol, typical uninformed. I bet he believes it’s ok to steal from a person because they are “rich”.

  14. Mike Will said:

    Actually most of the founders were intellectuals and agnostics.

    So yeah, country was pretty much created by moderates who leaned left.

  15. Chuck Graves said:

    Russell Grubb we have a giant oversized military, takes over half the federal budget, you are clearly uninformed

  16. Chuck Jacob said:

    The country is a liberal idea.

    Clearly some of you don’t understand the terms “conservative” or “liberal”

  17. Chuck Jacob said:

    Ever notice that conservatives love to point out that Democrat run areas have the highest gun crime, and then seem to think liberals are also somehow simultaneously unarmed?

    It’s as if there is a cognitive dissonance within their wee little minds

  18. Chuck Jacob said:

    Shove your traitor flag up your$#%&!@*next to all the participation trophies monuments

  19. William Wilhite said:

    Actually it’s hard to say people will die. And yes we need it to remove the leaches from Washington the Rothschild banking cartel plus other things.

  20. Patty Paradise Pace said:

    It is discouraging to read a rant with improper grammar. Takes all the wind out of the sail for the argument a person is trying to make.

  21. Patty Paradise Pace said:

    Have you read any of the comments, Stephen? Some not so bright people have some very scary ideas. If the comments and grammar are an indication of intelligence then we are all in trouble.

  22. Chuck Jacob said:

    Jesus wouldn’t turn his back on anyone, except maybe those directly opposing his teachings in his name.

    Amazing how you all pretend to be christian but want bloodshed.

  23. Chuck Jacob said:

    Lol no one has to undermine that idiot. He’s screwing himself up

  24. Chuck Jacob said:

    Tell that to the people of Chicago.

    You specials always forget that liberals have guns, and are very adept at using them.

  25. Chuck Jacob said:

    Or because of the cuntservatives ball lickers who are afraid of progress.

  26. Ramon Gloria said:

    Yup the grammar is not accurate but at least this person can speak and understand ten different language just forgive the grammars.

  27. Adam Vigilante said:

    You won’t have those children or grandchildren you cherish after the war. Modern major wars are devastatingly awful. A civil war is the last thing we want for this country.

  28. Stephen Dekle said:

    Patty Paradise Pace no I didn’t read yet. The title plus other things I’ve heard concern me.

  29. Madison Adams said:

    Why it won’t: too many tough guys online, not enough leaders in real life.

  30. Chuck Jacob said:

    Can speak ten languages, dumb enough to think Limbaugh is right about liberals.

  31. Chuck Jacob said:

    Well Jim, since the country is a liberal idea you could make it better by leaving.

  32. Sonny Hodges said:

    Working people are suck and tired of taking care of all the fucking free loads. Earn it are$#%&!@*off.

  33. Fred Methvin said:

    Over 165,000 Americans died in the first America can Civil War…that will be an insignificant number if we have another one! There would be millions in the next one!

  34. John Romero said:

    Any thing is possible, once the people have enough of oppression and corruption.

  35. Dale Gibson said:

    Bring it. We need to get rid of millions of idiots and retake our country.

  36. Jerry D. Touchstone said:

    B.S. they’re to many candy$#%&!@*snowflakes. These internet commandos ain’t gonna get out of mama’s basement and do anything.

  37. Ramon Gloria said:

    Don’t know limbaugh is but since you mentioned it he must be right. I’ll search for him. Lol

  38. Will Wham said:

    Our own government is running this civil unrest because they want a world war, to get rid of about 85% of the people on the Earth. We soon will be using up more resources than we can produce and that is by the end of this century and that’s a conservative estimate. At the turn of this last century mark, we were supposed to be at about 6.5 billion people on the Earth, well we were at 7.8 billion. With the estimate at the turn of the next century mark, they estimated we will be at 42 billion people and we can produce enough food for only 43 billion, so some of us, a lot of us, will have to die! That 42 billion were with the old numbers from the century mark before, so with 1.3 billion more people to deal with, we are going to war!!! But before we do, there always has to be civil unrest amongst the people to undermine the stability of a country’s stature. Basically, kick someone’s legs out and the body falls. This is all planned and has been for over 50 years that I know of. War is coming people and it’s all because you had to have more than one child per household! You having an extra kid is what’s going to kill all of your kids and you as well!!! 🙁 War is coming people, you better get ready!!! 🙁


