When Everything in This Bug Out Bag Was Revealed, I Couldn’t Wait to Assemble it for SHTF

bug out bag

Being prepared is a necessity when it comes to survival situations. Think ahead and plan your moves accordingly. Having an excellent bug out bag will ensure that even in the worst conditions, you will have the essentials for getting you from Point A to Point B, namely, your bug out location.

Watch the video below to learn how to put together an extremely effective bug out bag.

Again, keep in mind that your needs may vary. This is essentially the minimum essentials for supplies, which can change based on shelter availability, weather and water availability.

You don't want to carry so many supplies that you draw unwanted attention from those who failed to plan ahead. These individuals may be willing to harm or kill you for your supplies and the smaller your bag the less attention you will likely receive.


  1. Andrew Householder said:

    You should carry more in your mind than you do on your back. Thats to much gear people dont need that much to survive.

  2. Brandon Moxley said:

    I agree. You must carry the knowledge of how to survive with you but also work smarter not harder. If I have a fire accelerant I’d much rather use that when I need it than to take time to make a bow drill

  3. Casey Fuller said:

    Knowledge sure. But a steel canteen, water filter, and purification tablets sure save time as to oppose fire hollow in a log and to collect water and using hot rocks to purify. Just as an example.

  4. Jerry Tibbs said:

    seems like a lot of useful stuff. The only thing I did not catch in the bag was a first aid kit. Did I miss that in the video? Or was it truly not there?

  5. Sue C said:

    Please post a transcript of the video. I do not have much data time. A written list is also better to save so I can refer to it.


