When Encountering a Mountain Lion Out in the Wild, THIS is What You Shouldn’t Do…

mountain lion

Mountain lions are one of the most feared predators in the Americas, and while much of this fear is due to misunderstanding, they are certainly dangerous enough to garner a significant amount of respect.

Luckily, the chance of you running into one anywhere in the wilderness is very slim, as they are highly reclusive creatures that are prone to fear humans and only in rare circumstances will they ever attack a human, least of all a full-sized adult.

While attacks are very rare, they do happen, and across the board, these attacks could have been prevented by following some simple rules that apply to most predatory animals.

To learn more about these rules and what to do should you ever encounter a mountain lion, check out the helpful list on the next page.

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  1. Jeff Lewis said:

    Kill one skin it where it and they’ll think your one of them

  2. Kevin Moore said:

    We encounter them frequently at work in Az. Intense moments follow. Lots of them in the Southwest.

  3. Rick Siebert said:

    I don’t want to “check out the helpful list on the next page”. Just freaking put it on one page!

  4. Fred Eckler said:

    I would freeze look at him /her square in the eyes … and mental prepaid next move … Wether it be a pistol ..a stick long one if possible .. my knife ..a rock … loud noise … use stick point it straight st him if he attacks .. bury one end in the ground .. and stay low … the attack can help you with impaled self affliction…

  5. D.L. Bryson said:

    Rule 1. Pull 44/45 cal from hip and shoot square between the eye’s

  6. Joe Fox said:

    I carry a bag of catnip and say “whose my kitty”.

  7. Adam Pettus said:

    Id knife fight a cougar, sure… But the stinging of those cougar wounds has GOT to suck.

  8. Anonymous said:

    I ran into one last summer out by Diablo lake, it was dark, I had just finished peeing in a bottle since I had heard noises and assumed large animals were around. As I washed my hands I heard something walking by the edge of the water and then saw two eyes staring at me suddenly stop moving when I made I contact. I grabbed my gun and aimed it then yelled “I see you cougar!” I yelled and yelled but no other campers replied. So I grabbed a stick and started beating the side of the fire grate and yelling at the top of my lungs. The eyes slowly walked back into the dark. I stood there terrified for what felt like an eternity then gun cocked loaded and aimed I gathered what I could grab and walked quickly but cautiously to my car where I spent the rest of the night trying to calm down

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