When Encountering a Mountain Lion Out in the Wild, THIS is What You Shouldn’t Do…

mountain lion

Mountain lions are one of the most feared predators in the Americas, and while much of this fear is due to misunderstanding, they are certainly dangerous enough to garner a significant amount of respect.

Luckily, the chance of you running into one anywhere in the wilderness is very slim, as they are highly reclusive creatures that are prone to fear humans and only in rare circumstances will they ever attack a human, least of all a full-sized adult.

While attacks are very rare, they do happen, and across the board, these attacks could have been prevented by following some simple rules that apply to most predatory animals.

To learn more about these rules and what to do should you ever encounter a mountain lion, check out the helpful list on the next page.

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  1. Bert Seelman said:

    Lay down quickly start crawling away making mouse squeaks and whining it will be over much quicker

  2. Wayne Baker said:

    Be like Dorothy, and smack his paw. It’ll cry and want a hankie.
    Not prince, not duke, not earl.

  3. Diane Freeze O'Bryan said:

    Lol y’all are funny! I have had the pleasure of seeing 3 in my lifetime out in the wild.
    1st one was in Colorado, he was just strolling along and thankfully I was in a car driving by.
    2nd one walked in front of my truck as I was driving an old logging road in Oregon, three steps and he was across the road and as soon as he hit the forest it was like he just disappeared.
    3rd and scariest and funniest was on the same road but my ex and I was trying to set up camp, while he was down by the river trying to start the campfire, I went and sat in the truck on the drivers side, window down. I seen something in my peripheral vision and turned to see a female mountain lion just strolling down the road like nobodies business.
    I screamed and she jumped straight up in the air like cats do when you scare them, then proceeded to walk sideways staring at me and crossed in front of the truck and headed down to the river about 25-30 yards from where my husband was.
    I hollered at him about her and he made it to the truck in 8 seconds flat! Lost my lighter that night, but got to see the beauty of a mountain lion and have a great memory to share!
    They are majestic and beautiful, but if the need should arise SHOOT THAT MOFO!

  4. Gary Minick said:

    I have spent nearly a year of vacation time in the mountains in the last 30 yrs and have never seen or heard one . I have seen 3 in the last 40 yrs all within 1 1/2 miles from my house !!!

  5. Michael Gillette said:

    Was reading this but by the time I clicked on next page and got though the ad and junk the lion ran off with my arm

  6. Jeff Campbell said:

    Tyrel Brown, that’s what America does now, associate humans with free food.

  7. Jeff Campbell said:

    Liberals swear by this technique. No gun is needed. Just$#%&!@*yourself and do all 911, problem solved

  8. Sean Whitaker said:

    If we had them in uk they would get a free house and benefits. Cant have dangerous animals here. Unless they are on government.

  9. Michael Brown said:

    Don’t try to run away. Stand and fight. Of course it helps to have something to fight with…

  10. Don Webb said:

    I’m thinkin fake it out with a Lazer dot. It will provide hours of entertainment. If no Lazer throw down a open box, the cat will climb In while you walk away.

  11. Gary Smith said:

    Good tips, but do you know what else can stop an attack? A gun.

  12. Daniel Tucker said:

    Best way to stop an attack? Draw down with a .40, take aim, and engage trigger. Repeat as needed till the threat is eliminated.
    Or, if you are afraid of, or don’t believe in guns, pray that someone that isn’t afraid and believes in guns comes along to save your behind!

  13. Todd Griffin said:

    Leave the tuna fish sandwhich at home and carry a large cardboard box just in case. Lol

  14. Jack Doran said:

    Scary$#%&!@* Got “surrounded by at least 2 when hunting a bunch of years ago. Eeriest sound you’ll ever hear is their screams from 2 sides. First time smoking savd a life. I lit up and they split.

  15. Gary Kitchens said:

    If I see 1 it’s to close and if it’s coming my direction I’m shooting it period

  16. Vernon Bryan said:

    If it doesn’t skidaddle and attacks a 4 inch barreled smith&wesson model 29 .44 magnum is what I would use.

  17. Jeremy R. Chapin said:

    I’ve only seen one and that was through binoculars from across the valley. Close enough for me thanks.

  18. Ken Johnson said:

    I either stare them down, or scream “Kitteh!” And run towards them, arms wide for a hug.


