When Encountering a Mountain Lion in the Wild, This is What a Person Should Never Do…

mountain lion on rock

Mountain lions are one of the most feared predator in the US, and while a lot of this fear is caused by a misunderstanding of this animal, they are still dangerous enough to garner an enormous amount of respect.

Luckily the chances of running into a cougar anywhere in the wilderness are slim since they are very reclusive creatures that are usually fearful of humans. In fact, only in the rarest of circumstances will they attack a human, least of all a full-sized adult.

Even though attacks are rare, they can happen, and across the board, these kinds of attack could have been prevented by following some simple rules that apply to a lot of predatory animals.

If you were ever to encounter a mountain lion while camping, bugging out, or spending time in the wild, you should learn about the rules ahead of time. Check out a helpful list after the break. 

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  1. Chris Nichols said:

    In Arizona cougar’s frequent housing development’s near the mountains. We put security screens on a Alice Cooper home because a bobcat came in. A neighborhood near the white tank mountains report a cougar jumping from roof top, top roof, across a two story resent development.

  2. Michael Durrence said:

    Dont run for sure but most of the time he will see or smell you and go the other way

  3. Joe Day said:

    Its actually quite simple.Judo chop to the windpipe will take a mountain lion down every time,then pull their whiskers out to disorient them and make a getaway=problem solved.

  4. Shane Lee said:

    They say nothing about shooting them with a large gun, I think I will go that route. Damn things are being seen more and more in minnesota all the time.

  5. Harold Mcdermott said:

    Well if it looks like the cat in the picture half starved I would run like hell because hes gonna eat you!

  6. George Kolankowski said:

    Stay cool….surprise works both ways…..keep your eyes on them and a quick scan for a way out….dont panic , because it’s too late now . Defuse the “Mexican Standoff” by backing away from them and give a chance to evade , a situation , which so far works for for me . Their instinct is too have a vantage point and will follow it if surprised . I’m a geologist that worked in the remote Canadian Rockies for many years . I came across mama bears with cubs more than once , and cougars as well . Their thinking animals still…..moreso than the scare media and forestry officials . I walked thru 5 bears one time , while going up to the rig , on a really beautiful day…..3 on side sunning themselves after gorging on blueberries , and 2 just below the road up , still feeding on blueberries . Did’nt even phase the 2 still feeding on blueberries . The 3 , sunning themselves reminded me and acted like Yogi Bear and Boo Boo , yawning and looking as if they were on beach in Florida and just glancing at me and going back to sun themselves with their eyes closed ……and I just walked through….did’nt run , just walked to the rig , and told the men to take a jeep when going down , but dont hurt the bears …..it was just too beautiful of a day . Wild animals feel it too .

  7. Hannah Indiana said:

    I had my friends load Chihuhua with me and the dog was silent thank goodness because we were about to be Kitty Chow.

  8. Bryan Trapp said:

    Shooting them is just the right thing to do. If your trekking in the deep woods without a gun, at least have enough sense to carry a knife, not to fight off a cougar with, but to sharpen at least a 7ft spear. A long spear isn’t a bad weapon, and easy to make , good for stabbing at a distance , or just beating an animal to death , but a gun is key for the woods.

  9. Jim Peacock said:

    In self defense, shoot it. Gut it and save the meat. Cougar tastes great.

  10. Justin Teach said:

    Carry mace and a gun. Kind of silly hiking or camping in cat land without 1 or the other.

  11. Justin Bradburn said:

    As much as I would hate to hurt such a beautiful creature. I’m gonna shoot it if it threatens me.

  12. Brad Kruty said:

    You better see them before they see you or it could be all over.

  13. Anonymous said:

    LoL..Don’t run in the forest. Be loud. If confronted. Make yerself bigger and be loud..

  14. Anonymous said:

    Horrible article/link. Clickbait junk. Get to the end, after 3x Next Page’s and it’s repetitive… look big and don’t run. There, I saved you 5 minutes of wasted time.

  15. Evan Nicholson said:

    If it try to attack or starts then it will take a few shots of good old 7.62×51 to the face.

  16. Aaron Pettigrew said:

    Make yourself look as big as possible and charge it their eyes get huge and they run off in terror it works

  17. Ruben Gonzalez said:

    If you find yourself up against any superior physical specimen, you unfortunately have to “call it’s bluff”. If he’s not stalking, he’s not hungry. That being said, the instinct to kill and the one to eat are two different things. If you know he was looking for you, you’re in a different tactical situation than if you ran into him. You really gotta scare em because even the most fit human won’t stand a chance if the animal has his mind made up to kill. It’s sort of a$#%&!@*but the good part is that predators generally are not inclined to risk injury unless they’re starving. I’m an ex city boy, and I have a lot to learn but I’ve had some “successful” encounters with big eaters.

  18. Roger Eddy said:

    I know what I’m going to do, pull out my gun protect what’s mine

  19. Anonymous said:

    yell, make yourself look bigger, toss rocks , swing sticks, kick punch, whatever you have to do, just don’t run or turn your back on it or you will die!

  20. Jekyllan Dhyde said:

    Do not lose sight of it
    Do not take your eyes off of it
    Do not go down without a fight

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