When Coming Across a Mountain Lion in the Wild, This is What a Person Should Never Do…

mountain lion

Mountain lions are one one of the most feared predators in the United States, and while a lot of this fear results from a misunderstanding of this creature, they are still dangerous enough to garner a lot of respect from everyone.

Luckily the chance of encountering a cougar while spending time out in the wild are slim since they generally are very reclusive animals that usually are afraid of people. In fact, only in the rarest of circumstances will they decide to attack a person, least of all a full-sized adult.

Even though mountain lion attacks rarely happen, they still can take place. Across the board, these types of attacks should have been prevented by following some simple tips that actually apply to a variety of predatory animals.

If a survivalist were to encounter a mountain lion while bugging out or spending time outdoors, they should take the time to learn these rules beforehand.

On the next page check out some helpful tips on what to do should you ever encounter this predatory creature. 

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  1. Josh Hyatt said:

    If it rushes u shoot it if u dont have a firearm thats your fault

  2. Derek Ainsworth said:

    What if your pooch is a Rodeshian Ridgeback and Rottweiler cross? I fight back with a gun, hopefully that does the trick.

  3. Matt LeBlanc said:

    OR, do as I do and carry a .45, I live deep in the woods and never leave my yard without a weapon. In fact I often have it on my hip in the yard.

  4. Josh Hyatt said:

    They do take u by suprise… If you dont pay attention to your surroundings they arent invisible and if you are aware they cant ambush u

  5. Josh Hyatt said:

    But u can still kill it even if it kills u never go down without a fight… Ever… Take its life for taking yours

  6. Josh Hyatt said:

    No dog can stand up to one for long i dont care what breed

  7. Derek Ainsworth said:

    Yeah? You’re right not just 1 dog anyways. Rodeshian Ridgebacks are bred to hunt lions in Africa. Their size may be intimidating to smaller mountain lions. They average around 125 lbs. Mines a bit heavier than that, due to the rottweiler mother. At any rate, the best way to hunt for mountain lions is with dogs. They run them up a tree and then the hunter shoots them. I have to assume this article is talking about don’t hike with small breed dogs as mountain lions and coyotes will target them as prey.

  8. Dillon Lilikins said:

    Why can’t you just write an article? Why do I have to click through page after page after page of stupid advertisements. I’m so tired of it I’m going to unlike this page.

  9. Michael Jay said:

    Pull your gun you should be carrying if you’re in lion territory

  10. J.p. Kelly said:

    The first thing im gonna do if I survive is Sue the state game and fish for saying that there are no mountain lions in the state of Alabama.

  11. Buddy Adelsberger said:

    Yell here kitty kitty. The cat will look at u like ur are nuts and walk off. Works with bob cats

  12. Dan Bodnar said:

    I have had two up close experiences on Vancouver Island and main thing to remember is not to panic be armed and prepared try to have good cover at you back

  13. Amber StarShine said:

    I got off work at subway and got dropped off at the end of my friends road. Had one walk up alongside me in the woods and block my path. It screamed. I screamed. It walked away slowly.

  14. Jekyllan Dhyde said:

    To my experience, when they realize you are holding the pointer, they lose interest in it

  15. Walt Robbins said:

    Only a temporary distraction to give me time and opportunity to escape

  16. Kenny Mann said:

    Got to see up close at a local zoo. Frighteningly fast animals.

  17. Randolph Henderson said:

    Just like the advice of a bear attack…fight like your life depends on it. Or, curl up and become a snack. Your choice…

  18. Matthew Bruno Berrios said:

    Carry pepper spray, use a bell or something to make noise! Really? How about a glock? That makes noise! Fire one in the ground next to it. If it still stands its ground, oh well, dead cat.

  19. Jim Hopkins said:

    The guy at the morgue said that if one of these guys gets you, there’s not much you can do.

  20. Buck Fuller said:

    Here’s an awesome way of eating my$#%&!@*just click on the next page

  21. Fred Cadet said:

    Or just shoot it 15 times, you’re guaranteed to get through to it that you’re at the top of the food chain.

  22. Terry Pugesek said:

    Yep. I live in Iowa now, only coyotes wander into the yard, not like growing up in Northern WI. Seriously though, top predators like wolves, bears and mountain lions are not a threat to humans in the Midwest; enough rabbits and deer to eat. Most will see you coming half a mile away and disappear. Momma bear with cubs is a different story….

  23. Nate MacDonald said:

    Our rodeshian ridgeback is purebread and only 70 pounds, but he is all muscle and the breed is badass

  24. Nate MacDonald said:

    Use the ol 44 speacial. Or the 1911. Maybe even my m&p 45 service pistol. Depends what I decide to carry that day


