What Type of Survival Situation We Should be Preparing For

flooded street

What level disaster or survival scenario should you be prepared for?

It is a personal question, but here is one man’s opinion.

We often use SHTF and TEOTWAWKI almost interchangeably but they are not the same thing.

For the first week or two, they may be almost identical. Law enforcement may still be in place well into the TEOTWAWKI event. In many scenarios we won’t know if it is TEOTWAWKI for weeks or months. This causes difficulty in preparations.

My SHTF moment may be your TEOTWAWKI event. When Hurricane Ike hit Houston, I shared food, firearms and ammo with neighbors. It was a SHTF and not even a ‘Black Swan‘ event.

The problem with this, of course, is that now my neighbors know I’m prepared. If you lived on Bolivar Peninsula near Galveston, Texas, Hurricane Ike was a TEOTWAWKI event. This Cat II hurricane had a storm surge like a Cat IV storm and in parts of Bolivar not even the foundations are left.

Plan For The Mostly Likely Events

What does this mean for us? I would argue that most of our preparations should be for SHTF events. A TEOTWAWKI pandemic and a normal flu outbreak will be identical on the local level for the first days to weeks. So my first preparations will be to survive a one-week ‘shelter in place’ – grid up and utilities working. My next step is to survive a 2-week, shelter in place, grid down scenario followed by a possible 4-week bug out stint.

The moral is to prepare for the most likely events first since they are the ones that will surely happen. I KNOW Houston will get hit by another hurricane. If I’m ready for Ike, then I’m set for a different 2 to 4 week grid down Black Swan. If I stretch my preparations to 3 months then I’m ready for a massive commerce interruption and so on.

What level of preparation you should maintain is really up to what level of survival scenario you think you may face.

It is a personal question that only you can answer, but the incremental preparation approach will address just about every scenario you can come up with.

To read up on this approach, check out the Survival Cache.


