What Every Survivalist Should Have in the Event of a Nuclear Attack

nuclear war

To be clear: A nuclear strike is still a remote possibility, even given the news of the last few months.

It is, however, a possibility and that means you need to prepare; here are some basics you should consider adding to your nuclear arsenal!

Radiation Detection.

At the top of the list of supplies necessary to survive nuclear fallout, is a method for early detection. Radiation detection can take many forms. At the simplest form is a card that can detect radiation and in the more sophisticated spectrum you will find a Geiger counter.

• Radiation detector card (military grade). Many preppers don't realize you an carry a very lightweight radiation detection that's very inexpensive when compared to a Geiger counter, and with no batteries or calibration needed.

• RADSticker. Tuck the postage-stamp-sized RADSticker in your wallet or bugout bag as everyday carry. This postage stamp-sized dosimeter, pictured right, becomes darker as it
is exposed to radiation. Stick it onto the back of your driver's license or anything you keep close, for any future radiation emergency. RADSticker provides wearers with timely personal
radiation exposure information in an event of an accident at a nuclear power plant or a nuclear or dirty bomb explosion.

Potasium Iodide ~ iOSAT “Nukepills” (KI).

iOASAT is a package of potassium Iodide pills that can help your thyroid so you don't get thyroid cancer. The best time to take “Nukepills” are 2-3 hours following a radioactive event. You'll need at least one packet of iOSAT anti-radiation tablets for every member of the family or group for which you are prepping. These special pills protect your thyroid and your life. They simply aren't available at the drugstore. Get them online now well before you need them and learn more about iOSAT.

De-contamination wipes.

If you survive the initial blast of a nuclear event, radioactive fallout will be your biggest danger. Your first step is in taking a shower and a chelation regimen with Radiac Wash towelettes.

• Radiacwash towelettes. . Radiacwash towelettes, will allow you to safely wipe away radioactive contamination.

• Epsom Salt: An Epsom salt bath is not the first step you should take to decontaminate, but it certainly is part of the decontamination process. Take an Epsom bath as a routine to detoxify in the weeks and months ahead. Like baking soda, an Epsom Salt bath is more than therapeutic bathing to detoxify. You'll need to bathe in about a pound of Epsom salt.

Alternatively, you'll need about a pound of sea salt, rock salt, and a pound of baking soda in a hot bath as hot as you can tolerate. Allow the salt to stay on body for 4-8 hours before taking a shower.

Radiation water filter.

Tap water will run for some time following a nuclear catastrophe
and it will be okay to drink for a period of time, but you should filter it or drink bottled water. Boiling tap water does not get rid of radioactive materials, so you will need to get a radiological
water filtration system.

NOAA weather radio.

Every prepper should own a survival radio ~ it is your lifeline to the outside world. You'll need to know when it's safe to leave and other important and life-saving information. Hopefully you already have an NOAA weather radio. If not, now's the time to get one or to check the status of your radio. It's that important. See if you can tune in for nformation.

Duct tape, plastic sheeting, HEPA filter.

A radiation leak from any one of 100 Nuclear Power plants in the United States could be carried downwind for hundreds of miles, potentially poisoning thousands or even millions of people in largely populated areas. Don't wait for a terrorist attack to strike need a way to keep out the radioactive particle dust. You will need some materials:

Deitary supplement.

It's not possible to instantly decontaminate following a nuclear bomb or accident; however you can help your body remove the toxins over the days, weeks, months and years following the cataclysmic event with dietary supplements. Your home remedy for radiation detoxification will take place in stages and you can use any one of the radiation remedies below to help…

• Activated charcoal. Activated charcoal is one of the most popular prepper medicines, which may already be in your cabinet. Activated Charcoal as adsorption qualities, is a
detoxifier that physicians in the Emergency Room use for ingested poisons. Through the process of adsorption, activated charcoal binds to the drugs or poisons so it doesn't get into your system. This helps excrete them.

• Bee-Propolis. Bee Propolis is a gummy substance made by honeybees that helps keep intruders out of the hive. Propolis is another potent plant resin collected by bees for use in and
around the hive. Propolis has been traditionally used for centuries as support for the immune system. Propolis provides protection against harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi. What makes bee propolis interesting for use in a radiation emergency is because of the “therapeutic effect of
propolis in radiotherapy induced mucositis in patients with head and neck cancer,” according to a study published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. The study concludes that bee propolice efficiently prevents and heals radiotherapy induced mucositis, which leads to ulcers and erosions. These ulcers are so painful and cause problems in eating and using bee propolist as a water-based mouthwash can significantly help.

• Calcium gluconate: Calcium gluconate provides a blockade of radioactive strontium and calcium into the bone by increasing urinary excretion.

• Calcium chloride. Calcium chloride provides a blockade into the bone. This increases the patients urinary excretion of radioactive calcium and strontium.

• Dietary pectin. Pectin is a fiber found in fruits that we preppers use as a thickening agent in cooking and baking. Dietary pectin can prevent poisoning caused by lead, strontium, as well as other heavy metals and even as a radioprotective agent. Pectin will bind substances in the
intestine and add bulk to your stool in an effort to excrete the toxins. An apple a day may keep radiation away!

NBC gas mask.

Of course, no nuke supply list would be compete without a gas mask ~ and not just any gas mask, you'll need an NBC gas mask for nuclear, biological and chemical protection.

Can't afford a gas mask? An N95 Particulate face mask can block inhalation of certain alpha and low-energy beta particles, and certainly is better than nothing at all. Such masks are intended for everyday protection from contaminated or toxic air, particles, allergens, pollen, pet hair and dander, mold spores, leaves, and grass clippings. They are suitalbe for use with other personal protective equipment / PPE such as safety helmets, hard hats, glasses, ear muffs, goggles other eyewear

When we mention the possibility of a nuclear attack – even a smaller, tactical attack – please understand that the possibility is a remote one.

Remote, though, does not mean “non-existent,” and because of that, you have to at least consider what you will need if such an attack were to occur.

To read up on other stuff you should consider regarding a nuclear attack, please check out Happy Preppers.


