[VIDEO] When SHTF, Do You Know How Many Magazines You’ll Need?

If you have to use your firearms in a SHTF scenario, or a “grid-down” situation,  regular use will eventually degrade your ammunition magazines and if you are in a situation where you go through all the bullets in your magazine, you will need to have at least a few replacements.

The last thing you want to have happen is to have to stop and reload – especially if it is a life threatening situation!

Generally, most of us have a few extras for each firearm, but how many should you have in stock?

There is no “right answer” to this, but one thing is for sure – you probably do not have enough.

The video on the next page discusses this issues as well as provides some tips on how to find quality magazines on the cheap.


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  1. James Bell said:

    I have pump shotgun. Ammo is rifle slug and pellets shells

  2. David Elderton said:

    With billions of rounds out there, it’s not going to “run out.” However, yours might….if you were very shortsighted in your preps.

    Have you harvested a deer with your home made bow and arrow?

  3. Seth Strong said:

    Have you looked at any reviews from the guys over seas. They all will say that pmags and hex mags are the way to go. Not trying to start anything, but have you ever dropped a fully loaded steel mag. They dent and cause ftf. Pro mags are the worst btw.

  4. Jaden Birchmore said:

    Seth Strong the scene from that clint eastwood movie comes to mind, then youre out of ammo.

  5. Enrique Moreno Jr. said:

    Hahaha illegal aliens! It’ll be your own people butt fucking you and yours…simple son of a$#%&!@*

  6. Brent Morgan said:

    I’ve dropped mags and they still fired fine. Just my experience. Here’s another thought, if pmags are so great why doesn’t the military or law enforcement use them? They cost the same. Not 1 single person I know uses plastic. In fact my friend had a glock issue. He had plastic lipped aftermarket mags and the feed lip chipped and the rounds wouldn’t feed. I bought him factory steel glock mags and problem solved.

  7. Brent Morgan said:

    I’ve dropped mags and they still fired fine. Just my experience. Here’s another thought, if pmags are so great why doesn’t the military or law enforcement use them? They cost the same. Not 1 single person I know uses plastic. In fact my friend had a glock issue. He had plastic lipped aftermarket mags and the feed lip chipped and the rounds wouldn’t feed. I bought him factory steel glock mags and problem solved.

  8. Keith Sutton said:

    Do you mean “the world as we know it” of the most literal form of destruction?

  9. Brent Morgan said:

    OK yes thats true, they are steel lined with steel feed lip, aftermarket are all plastic with plastic feed lips

  10. Brent Morgan said:

    OK yes thats true, they are steel lined with steel feed lip, aftermarket are all plastic with plastic feed lips

  11. Brent Morgan said:

    OK yes thats true, they are steel lined with steel feed lip, aftermarket are all plastic with plastic feed lips, my point was I got him the steel lined ones and it fixed the issue.

  12. Brent Morgan said:

    OK yes thats true, they are steel lined with steel feed lip, aftermarket are all plastic with plastic feed lips, my point was I got him the steel lined ones and it fixed the issue.

  13. Brent Morgan said:

    I also tried plastic .22lr mags and they wouldn’t feed unless the mag was almost empty, then I used ones with steel feed lips and every round chambered.

  14. Brent Morgan said:

    I also tried plastic .22lr mags and they wouldn’t feed unless the mag was almost empty, then I used ones with steel feed lips and every round chambered.

  15. Valentin Vladimirovich said:

    you get what you pay for .. specialy cheap aftermarket magazines, but pmag’s i never had issues alot of military guys use pmag due to lightweight

  16. Valentin Vladimirovich said:

    the more the better, its depends on you, some firearms you need more mags that others depends on capacity of it.. each of my firearms min is 5 mags..

  17. Michael Dean said:

    Not to mention it’s practically silent. Blow off a gin and everyone knows where you’re at. I prefer to be stealth and self reliant. Don’t get me wrong I want bigs gins and mad ammo too.

  18. Steele Smith said:

    Loaded and ready to go. It’s a myth that the spring will wear out. The spring wears out from use, not from having pressure on it.

  19. Keith Duvall said:

    At home you can have as many as you want. However if you have ever humped over 10 miles loaded down with mags and ammo it’s damn heavy.

  20. Michael La Torre said:

    This is a great video. I watched it about a year ago.

    One should stock on mags and ammo that is readily available. Having a Steyr AUG with proprietary mags is not a good idea for North America.

    The AR15 is king here. Mags and ammo everywhere. If you live in restricted states, you can still get 5, 10 & 15 Round mags at reasonable prices.

    Parts for the rifle are also a key factor, so again the AR15. Yes there may be better rifles and calibers, but it is what is readily available.

    Yes, I believe in an all out survival situation, the AK47 is a better choice, but we are not in Africa or the Middle East where that rifle is everywhere, and In military and police arsenals.

    Ar15, Berreta 92F, 12 Gauge shotgun, and a 308 bolt action rifle are ideal SHTF guns for a bit out situation.

    If you live in a restrictive state, any rifle that takes detachable AR15 mags is ideal.

    Now is the time to buy. Prices are low for rifles, mags and ammo.

    The debate will never end, but any rifle is better than no rifle.

    Yes, I know, I left out our trusty friend the 22 rifle. My suggestion: Ruger 10/22 take down. Throw it in a back pack for use when you need to take out that rabbit for dinner.

  21. Ronnie Gray said:

    Ell now if you would read and study Gods word you will find out the world will never end ,time will end we are living by Gods time clock ,but when The Lord Jesus Christ comes back to earth there will be time no more ,and the true believers will live for ever ,and forever has no end time .

  22. Brent Morgan said:

    I’ve never used them but I have read a lot and most say they suck. I’ve always used metal and never had issues, just my personal experience.

  23. Brent Morgan said:

    I’ve never used them but I have read a lot and most say they suck. I’ve always used metal and never had issues, just my personal experience.

  24. Tony Rinaldo said:

    Really? Needs cleaning every 150 rounds? What manufacturer do you have?

  25. John Riggs said:

    Mine is a Smith and Wesson, never been fired. But 5 years as an infinity soldier has taught me that if you seek them out, it will get more dirtier then if you sit and wait. I’m aggressive, I don’t what to be hunted. Better to be the hunter.

  26. John Riggs said:

    Carbon will build up. Or do you wait till it malfunctions, or be ready.

  27. Thomas Daniel Gunter said:

    None. But while it’s going down, you can buy, trade for or beg for my food and supplies. You’re not going to take it from me because I will have MANY mags

  28. Thomas Daniel Gunter said:

    Single shot and double barrels with reloadable shot shell inserts. Beats a flintlock. But homemade know-how is always a good and tradable thing.

  29. Thomas Daniel Gunter said:

    You didn’t watch Raiders of the Lost Ark did You? The funniest scene in the whole movie was a guy twirling his sword before Indiana Jones shot him.

  30. Thomas Daniel Gunter said:

    A ,22 survival rifle is all you will need. You can carry hundreds of rounds for it, and you’re not going to fight and army with your survival gun anyway. A trained army has a chain of command, a confusing supply chain and the know how to take out insurgents. You might get a lone trooper or two, but there’s more where he came from, and the best you can do is get you and yours out of the hot zones and to the side that is in your favor. The ,22 is for small game and self defense, not a combat weapon.

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