(Video) When I Figured Out Why He Poured Dish Soap Into His Toilet I Ran to Try it. Wow!


At one time or another, we have all experienced that dreaded moment when our toilet bowl fills with water, after a good flush, and does not go down. It just sits there. Anything could have caused it, including an abundance of toilet paper lodged in a pipe.

The point is it irksome. You go in after it with a plunger but that does not always work. It’s at times like this that we think having a port-a-potty or great grandpa’s out-house in the backwoods is not such a bad idea after all!

Fortunately, it does not have to be as bad as all that. No, you do not have to call a plumber. You just need dish soap, a bucket of hot water, and some patience. Before you know it that clog will be gone and you will be breathing much easier!

Go to the next page to find out how!

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