(Video) What is the Best Firesteel? One Man Decides to Compare Them All, and What He Reveals is VERY Helpful!


A sturdy and practical firesteel is a crucial component of any outdoors or survival kit. The ability to quickly and easily start a fire is critical to surviving and thriving whether you're out camping or the unthinkable happens and you need to improvise a way to cook food or stay warm without the modern luxury of heat or a stove.

A firesteel is a handy tool that's small enough to fit in your backpack or emergency kit and can be used to start a fire even if you don't have matches, a lighter or something similar.

But, as with any tool or other survival gear, it seems like there are endless choices when it comes to buying a firesteel. Which one to choose? Fortunately, the experts at Black Scout Survival have a comprehensive guide to selecting a firesteel, which they present in a video that clearly explains some of the many choices and their advantages and disadvantages.

A firesteel is so important that you don't want to pick something at random, which is why we always do our research before buying. That's why we were really excited to see a roundup of some of the most popular firesteels, as well as an explanation of how each one works.

To find out which firesteel is the best, please continue to the next page to watch the full video.

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  1. David Spradlin said:

    Nice video, thanks for the info! We all have our favorites, I’ll take the LightMyFire FireSteel over all the others any day! The magnesium is built into the LightMyFire FireSteels so no need to scrape a bar of magnesium. Sparks at 5,400 degrees F (3,000 degrees C). I carry one in the case with my Leatherman Wave and use the back of the saw blade as the striker.

  2. Anonymous said:

    Im liking the “Primus” branded one @ the mo. The extra length is great & better sparks than the “Light my fire”

  3. Adam Snyder said:

    Without watching, StrikeForce. Walmart sells them at half what they cost online.

  4. Brandon Brennan said:

    Got an el cheapo magnesium block with mounted ferrous rod.. backing Akbar, a n d some decent tinder(dryer lint for experimenting) had fire going first try in under a minute… Never had any luck with the compression pistons yet….

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