(Video) What is the Best Firesteel? One Man Decides to Compare Them All, and What He Reveals is VERY Helpful!


The video demonstrates several of the most popular and common types and brands of firesteel, and getting to see each one of them in action was incredibly helpful. We're still a little overwhelmed by all the choices, but this definitely helped us narrow it down!

What did you think of this man's choices for the best firesteel? Would you agree with his assessment, or is there a firesteel you like that's not included in this video? Share your opinions in the comment section below!


  1. David Spradlin said:

    Nice video, thanks for the info! We all have our favorites, I’ll take the LightMyFire FireSteel over all the others any day! The magnesium is built into the LightMyFire FireSteels so no need to scrape a bar of magnesium. Sparks at 5,400 degrees F (3,000 degrees C). I carry one in the case with my Leatherman Wave and use the back of the saw blade as the striker.

  2. Anonymous said:

    Im liking the “Primus” branded one @ the mo. The extra length is great & better sparks than the “Light my fire”

  3. Adam Snyder said:

    Without watching, StrikeForce. Walmart sells them at half what they cost online.

  4. Brandon Brennan said:

    Got an el cheapo magnesium block with mounted ferrous rod.. backing Akbar, a n d some decent tinder(dryer lint for experimenting) had fire going first try in under a minute… Never had any luck with the compression pistons yet….


