(VIDEO) This Survivalist Shows You How You Can Become Skilled in the Art of Throwing Stick

throwing a stick

A throwing stick is one of the simplest weapons out there, yet in the hands of a competent hunter, it can be just as effective as a bow or even a gun, while limiting damage to the valuable meat of the game you are hunting. If you want to learn how to use one of these sticks effectively, check out the video below.

Not only does relying on these weapons make you a highly efficient hunter, not throwing until you are absolutely ready, but practicing this technique also increases your stealth capabilities and makes you more aware of the habits of game, thereby increasing your chances of being successful even if you are using a gun or bow. Survivalists should make it a goal to learn to hunt in as many ways as possible.

Learn how the indigenous people in your area used to hunt and gather food. They developed those methods because they worked well for that area; why reinvent the wheel? Eventually, your ammunition will run out or your hunting tools will break. Having a backup like this could very well mean the difference between life and death.


  1. Donald E May Jr. said:

    Deer would be vary hard to take down with a small stick put thy will smell u and see u before u get to close put in a tree would increase yr odds at the right angle and force

  2. Dave Hummel said:

    I knew a guy (ex Navy seal) used to,turn with nothing but a knife. Did what Don said, climbed into a tree over a trail, waited till one walked under and dropped on it. He was crazy.
    Didn’t always get one but more often than not. He always said “just gotta be patient”.


