(Video) This Survivalist Compares Firesteel. Which Ones He Feels Are the Best? What a Helpful Video!


What sort of fire system will you rely on when the going gets tough? Do you simply have a dollar store lighter or a box of matches? What you need is a reliable fire steel, and in order to pick it out, you need to watch the video below.

There are a lot of opinions that go into picking out a good firesteel and a great many areas to consider. If you become injured, one steel may work better than the others. Some are too bulky to carry everywhere on your person, while others won't throw a large enough spark to depend on every single time.

There are a lot of people who hate magnesium blocks, while others swear by them. The best advice is to try out as many methods as possible.

What works for others may not work for you, but hopefully, the advice in this video will spark your interest in this heavily-debated topic.



