(Video) This Funnel Web Spider VS Wolf Spider Battle is Insane. Watch How it All Goes Down!


We won’t spoil it for you – you will need to watch the video – but know that old does not necessarily mean weak! Spider 2.0 seems the sure winner but 1.0 has a few tricks up his spidery sleeve! Will it be enough?

We look at this as a near gladiatorial combat. Initially, we described it as a boxing match but that is not quite correct. A man or creature can survive boxing an opponent whereas the spiders, with no reluctance, plan on death being the outcome.

And, in an odd way, it is nearly satisfying to know that the older, less streamlined, of the two, was the victor. He may not have the sight nor the stealth of his younger rival but he had it where it counted: strength, tenacity, and venom!


  1. Adam Rohrbach said:

    Love the sound affects!!! Great entertainment and lesson about old spiders.

  2. Sam Crowe said:

    Got that right, wonder how well a brown recluse would have done.


