(Video) This Family Feeds 9 People a Month for $250. How They Made it Possible? I’m in Awe!


Again, the family produces a lot of foods from home but even with that, their budget and resourcefulness in amazing. Watch this video which describes how they manage their awesome lifestyle!

Just a little thinking ahead makes for great home-made meals. Honestly, that broccoli and cheese soup mentioned sounds pretty darn luscious, doesn’t it? And we’ve never been afraid of an egg dish once a week – and pizza? Oh please!

It just takes a little inventiveness, some recipe searching over the internet, and a will to stay away from fast food and the “junk” they do not need. The members of the Big Family Homestead have our sincere respect!


  1. Hafizullah Himmati said:

    If that family is spending $250 a month only for food to survive, I’d say “It’s too much!”. And I could feed that family only with $200 a month with very healthy food (no junk foods at all)!


